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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. I've extended the trial for 24 hours starting now. it should also now be v 1.08 so gui should load every time (it does for me). enjoy! apa
  2. Replied Hey. Seems like perhaps the new area API which alek implemented might be experiencing some issues. Also, worldhopper has had some issues recently too... I suggest disabling this feature (it's handled by the client btw ). i'll look into your other issues experienced though and do some testing myself, will also see if anyone else has these issues. Because it seems they have only arisen since I pushed the update today making the new area api compatible. apa
  3. For sure, yes. let me know if you need longer when the trial elapses apa
  4. -- there was an issue which recently started screwing over the start of the script (where the GUI would fail to appear). The issue was in versions 1.07 and earlier, however I fixed it in my recent push of the latest update (version 1.08). Version 1.08 should be available within the next 24hours when the script manager or a dev pushes the content live onto the SDN. Unfortunately there's nothing either of us can do to make the update live right now, so we have just gotta be patient. Just hang in there until the script shows version 1.08 on the paint. apa
  5. Really like that paint style and grats on release mate apa
  6. was just testing script, simple iron knives in v west. Working perfectly for me! Happy botting Apa
  7. Done. Enjoy! apa Edit: check thread for latest update. Make no assumptions about the script until you are running v 1.08 (latest) ! it will update automatically, just refresh your scripts list frequently to ensure you're running the latest versionez Apa
  8. Yes. it will be available when a script manager/dev pushes the update live after checking for malicious code apa
  9. UPDATE! Finally got to the bottom of the GUI opening issue. Version 1.08 Script will now start correctly. GUI will ALWAYS show! Increased path distance when smithing in v west so script now no longer gets stuck standing outside the anvil room. Added compatibility with latest Area API Happy botting Apaec
  10. As promised.. UPDATE! Version 1.47 Made GUI a bit more readable Fixed error when cooking any fish which caused it to constantly re-try at cooking Added failsafe to close pollbooth should the script accidentally misclick-open it. Happy botting! Apaec
  11. As promised, UPDATE! Version 3.33 Script now compatible with latest Area API Script now supports both Attack and Super attack potions (let me know if any issues arise here) Happy botting! Apaec
  12. Strange... I'll take a look.
  13. Hi. What script version are you using? I thought I pushed a fix for smithing in varrock west rarely getting stuck! I'll take another look later today. Thanks for replying apa
  14. Done for all you guys. Sorry for the wait, i've had no internet access for the past 2 days. I've given you each 36h trials to compensate. Enjoy! Apaec
  15. When I coded nardah, I don't think poll booths existed haha! I'll try and add a fix hopefully this weekend which will close the poll booth interface should it be open. Apa
  16. Will also be implemening a fix for this at the weekend along with adding attack and super attack pots. apa
  17. Stop the script, wait for the script to properly exit (check the console log, when it says 'APA AIO Smither has terminated', you're good). Then start the script again. Keep doing this until the GUI shows. I'm trying to figure out the reason for this issue because it's strange that sometimes the script starts and rarely it fails to start. Normally in programming either something works or it doesn't. Hopefully i'll figure out the issue soon though haha. apa
  18. Noooo! it's not keep trying, like I said, it's a huge learning curve and you've gotta get yourself knee deep in order to learn apa
  19. Hey! someone else requested this too. I'll be adding it this weekend when i'm free from work apa
  20. OSBot does'nt support resizeable mode. I'm guessing this is the problem you're having as it's running perfectly for me. Switch to fixed mode and your problems will be solved apa Done. Enjoy! apa
  21. sweet It would be cool if the devs potentially incorporated theme switching into the actual client. Although it doesn't do anything performance-wise, I think that the face of the bot should count as well. Apa
  22. this is like measuring a mile with a twig
  23. You can't just change the file type from a rar to a jar haha... that's like changing a microsoft excel file into a photoshop file and expecting it to open in photoshop ^^ You have to unzip the file (use winrar), and inside will be the jar file :p apa
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