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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. you now have a 24h trial enjoy
  2. GroundItem g = groundItems.closest("Bones"); if (g != null && g.isVisible()) { g.interact("Take"); }
  3. Script does not support waterbirth island, and the ban rate is hard to tell... probably just the same as any other script on osbot ^^ if you bot, you've gotta accept the risk of being banned and unfortunately getting banned does happen. In order to prevent a ban I suggest botting smart by using the mirror client, frequent and generous breaks, and playing legit inbetween. Apaec
  4. Sure, i;ve given you a 24h trial. Enjoy! Hey not gunno lie, I'll probably forget by tomorrow! please post another trail request when you want the trial to start and i'll enable it for you also, please correct your member id! apa
  5. This would be useful to an extent as I use AHK to log into my accounts and they use tab in the string which they type to switch between user and pass. This is useful cus half the time i dont even know the users/passwords so the ahk sorts that out for me! As for bank scrolling and chatbox scrolling, sure, this might be useful, but clicking seems to be okay too. But yes, this would be a handy update if it's not too time consuming to write apa
  6. UPDATEski! Version 1.2 Added live version number to GUI Added anti-aliasing to paint and moved paint to other side of screen to make way of new exp tracker. Made paint more transparent Added basic cross cursor (image below) Fixed issue where script would occasionally stop just after taking a profiled break Thank you to @stryk for reporting the stopping bug. PLEASE POST SOME PROGRESS REPORTS ! NEW CURSOR: (white - hovering over the noted longbows) happy botting! apa
  7. if you dont need it permenantly, feel free to ask me for a free trial here: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/61445-apa-script-trials-free/?view=getnewpost and take advantage of the 24hours to get some gains done apa
  8. my AIO Smither supports al-kharid (as well as falador west, falador east, edgeville, port phasmatys). It can do cannonballs at all of these locations + can do more than just that x) apa
  9. Either hardcore the prayers to actuvate and use the prayers class, or find the widget which it is. open widget debugger in the settings tab and hover over the quickprayer button to find the parent, child and grandchild ids. then you can just use: RS2Widget w = widgets.get(parentid,childid,grandchildid); or if there is only parent and child : RS2Widget w = widgets.get(parentid,childid);
  10. Impossible to read haha! format the code then copy and paste it using the code posting button (<€ >) might be easier to help u then
  11. of course. I've given you a 24 h trial starting now. Enjoy! (and remember to run fixed mode!) apa of course. I've given you a 24 h trial starting now. Enjoy! (and remember to run fixed mode!) apa
  12. thanks for being a good sport about it xD I'll have to look back over the thread but I thought that you were the first ban that occurred Or maybe second, I think there may have been one other. But I cannot notice anything strange in the behaviour unless it got somehow stuck somewhere for a while - if this was the case then I'll do some further investigating ! apa
  13. Hi, I'm sorry to hear you got banned that really sucks . But it happens. It's strange because sometimes they come really quickly like yours, and sometimes they come slowly. What you had could perhaps be a delayed ban from another script, or it could just have been a ban from this, but you never know. I smithed in excess of 50k iron knives with this script no problem on an acc which already had a 2day ban and using injections. It's just hard to tell. as for the script itself, I'm not sure what could be out of place. The script has used the client integrated anti ban and has its own unique pattern of working - perhaps it was just wrong time wrong place Sorry for your loss but sometimes you just gotta accept the risks :/// apa
  14. Hmm. Open the console below the client to see the reason for it stopping. if there's an error, please send it to me ! - it seems to be running just fine for me tho apa
  15. No problem, glad it worked well apa
  16. from reading the line ref, the npe points to here. you're trying to turn the camera to a null cow hence the npe!
  17. wtf they changed youtube
  18. ye lol no idea how ^^ Hey I just realised the crime I committed lol... Before writing a script I always ask all the other scripters if it's okay with them (should they have their own script to do a similar thing). I normally check the SDN and see the current scripts there before PMing the owners of the scripts... I had 0 idea that you had a hill giants script and that it was pending on the sdn... i'm so sorry lol feel bad now ^^
  19. I suggest using generous breaks, and getting VIP if you can afford it. The reason for VIP is that you get access to the mirror client (more info here: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/66803-what-is-osbots-mirror-client/ ) which really helps lower ban rates. Done. Enjoy! apa
  20. from 2 limpwurt roots in 5 minutes lol left it running a bit longer... seem to be quite unlucky with limps this trip
  22. Hey! thank you very much for the review and kind words yet again! Would love to see all screenshots you send me, but PLEASE BE CAREFUL! last think I want is for you to get banned. At 85 range, it depends how you train it. I'd probably recommend training at nmz over rock crabs though, because of the non-existent chance of getting banned. It's really afkable too, only have to check it every 30 mins or so. This will get you 50-60k exp with a rune crossbow, void and broad bolts. It's free too As for using the script, it would depend how you train it. Broad bolts, maybe 40-50k exp/h no breaks. Iron knives maybe 35-45k exp/h no breaks. It depends! xd. But I would deffo suggest NMZing it apa
  23. Like I said, unfortunately you need VIP to run it and then it will be available to you in the OSBot boot options apa
  24. To be honest, osbot really need to advertise it better... but here's an informative thread which is worth reading: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/66803-what-is-osbots-mirror-client/ apa (You need VIP to run it)
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