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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. press new account button enter details on right clik save button open christmas present
  2. tutorials can be found here: http://osbot.org/forum/forum/250-tutorials/
  3. Sure, no problem. Have given you a 24h trial apa Strange. No need to screenshare though , I can test it myself! just let me know some details: location mirror/injection what stage does it stop is there any error logged in the console? thanks apa
  4. Done for both, but next time please use the format provided on the front page As for the ban rate, it's hard to judge. I've gotten 1-82 str on my obby mauler with it when I was testing it though, with no bans. That's not to say that you're safe as there have been bans since then, but it's your own risk to take so just be careful and use mirror mode if you can apa
  5. The script is still working for me, but that's on injection. i'm not sure if the mirror client is still down but I wouldn't be surprised if it was If it is, then it's just a waiting game apa
  6. Hey! cheers I'm glad you like it. As for mirror mode, it is for sure a great investment. It's actually down at the moment and we're waiting for a dev to fix it (should be fixed within a couple days max), but I think it really reduces ban rate. Script runs well on it too. Let me know if you have any further questions and feel free to leave a review in the mean time! (would really appreciate it, you can do so here: http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/373-apa-rock-crabs/ ) thanks, apa
  7. x))) nahhh, if you ever have an issue with the bot, always check the console
  8. UPDATE! Version 3.36 Further improvements to attacking algorithm (hopefully) worldhopping fixed for good. Although I cannot fix hopping for an individual instance, I made it so that if it fails, it will try again until it succeeds. This may cause some problems so let me know if it does, but it shouldn't do. Happy botting! apa
  9. well instead of complaining, u guys could post something useful x) like the stack trace: [ERROR][Bot #1][08/02 07:57:43 AM]: Error loading mirror client! java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException at org.osbot.core.asm.ClassCollection.loadZipBytes(xo:172) at org.osbot.core.asm.ClassCollection.<init>(xo:50) at org.osbot.core.inject.RS07ClientInjector.justLoad(yi:33) at org.osbot.rs07.Bot.initialize(gl:226) at org.osbot.F.run(qz:17) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) apa
  10. what seems to be the problem? it's working fine for me! apa
  11. Got back yesterday. have updated all scripts! apa
  12. Strange. Firstly I suggest using edgeville as it's much closer and has no reqs, but secondly, is there any error logged in the console below? apa done. Enjoy! apa
  13. Yep. Just pushed update version 3.35 in which I've fixed this spam clicking issue by incorporating a unique pathwalking system which should fix all of your problemos apa
  14. UPDATE! Fixed any errors (all caused my new area api. have tested and fixed!) v 1.48. apa Edit: also updated banking to support tabs as it seems there were errors with the previous tab-based code.
  15. UPDATE! Version 3.34 new mouse cursor bug fixes including improvements to awakening the crabs still waiting for devs to fix worldhopping :c happy botting apa
  17. UPDATE! Version 1.09 Added update to cursor (I think the new one will look much cooler than the current one ) Added failsafe to close collection box should script accidentally open it. Likewise with the poll booth. Happy botting! Apa
  18. Done. enjoy! Hope it's what you're looking for apa
  19. This is the way the script is designed - relying on auto retaliation is what most players who are only half-paying attention do. apa Unfortunately there's nothing I can do about the bank pending issue as it's intended to be handled by the client. You'll need to wait for it to expire i'm afraid! Thank you very much for the progress report though! 19 hours is still bloody impressive !! i've featured it on the main page. apa Switch to fixed game mode as OSBot doesn't support resizeable mode! apa Done. enjoy! apa
  20. Will take a look. thanks for reporting apa
  21. not really, they all use the same method :*
  22. can't you already run 2 bots on a normal account as it is ?
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