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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. I've never watched star wars is it worth watching?
  2. Don't give up so easily, if you can see the thiever but not ur script then I have no idea... are u sure that there are no errors? everything in ur script looks okay... apa
  3. Do you have any other local scripts? What you should do is close OSBot and delete (or move) your other local scripts (and delete this one). Then reboot your OSBot, and then compile the code. It should then show up apa
  4. Same applies to NPCs I believe. Their IDs frequently change. I recommend using names for NPCs I try and avoid using ids for anything tbh. Either names (or if they dont work eg multiple npcs with same name next to eachother), I find some other difference between them such as modified colours or index
  5. I don't understand the US sometimes they need to fix their shit
  6. Ye, Object Ids change frequently (pretty much every RS update), so basically you should use anything other than IDs to define them... Index/name etc As for item IDs, these never change but using names is probably better anyway because a name is guarenteed never to change also easier to read when using names. apa
  7. APA Unicow Killer $4.99 $3.99 ______________________________ Demo Video: Requirements: Tower of life quest (req. 10 Construction - takes 5 minutes!) 30+ combat stats Cowhides in the bank (13 per trip) 1 Unicorn horn in the bank Features: Quick, easy and attractive GUI Subtle, clean yet informative paint Live price grabber and accurate real-time profit tracker Smart looting system with built in (& customisable!) loot prioritisation Flawless Path walking Supports banking at two locations (Ardougne and Fishing Trawler) Navigates tower quickly and efficiently, will not get stuck Smart looting system ensures maximum profits can be achieved Knows exactly what is in the shrine, will never add the wrong ingredients Client-integrated AntiBan (optional) Supports food for lower levels Supports a range of foods (can add more on request - just ask!) Run energy handler Auto retaliate tracker Smart banking system ensures script never leaves until fully equipped Paint debugging system to display current path Unicow system means script will only attack your Unicow Supports looting and re-equipping ammo (will stop if you run out!) Supports special attack on current weapon Will stop if you are close to death and have food support disabled Example GUI: Screenshots: Credits: @Bobrocket for the php & mysql help @Botre for the inspiration @liverare for the automated authing system
  8. Hey I've given you a 24h trial. As for comparing it with CMH rock crabs, i've got no idea. I've not tried his so it's up to you to decide that
  9. Posting here is fine, I will read it for sure You can get the ID of the iron by using the entity hover debug in the debug menu (in the settings of the client) apa
  10. Sure I can help you, what you need to do is start simple though. Start with just the mining iron part and add banking in later. (make it drop the ores to start). Once you've got that nailed, then you can swap the banking out for dropping. As for the help, the best way you can learn is by trying it and asking me any questions which you happen to have. I'll always be willing to help you! apa
  11. k I'll write you a snippet below using (without IDE so please forgive and typos) - I'm on mobile too lol RS2Object o = objects.closest("Bank"); //null checks here blah InteractionEvent e = new InteractionEvent(o,"Use"); e.setOperateCamera(false); execute(e); Apa PS you should read up on interaction event here - http://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/event/InteractionEvent.html#setOperateCamera-boolean- It's really useful
  12. Please dont enter me for the prize draw (if u do then all i would want is to try the task system on omnifletch lol) Have you ever used (or considered) using Omni Scripts? If so, which script(s)?: no What is your honest opinion of Omni Scripts from either what you have seen or what you have experienced?: they seem to have no fans If you could pick one script for me to make (be reasonable), what would it be and why?: AIO Slayer because we don't have one Why do you deserve to win one of the prizes?: I don't
  13. I'm sorry you were banned, it's a shame there's nothing I can do about that now . But 10 hours seems extremely long to run a script for (max I ever ran it for were 2-3 hours at a time and my account it still alive since I made the script) However that being said, botting is against the rules and as far as using a bot goes, us scripters take it for granted that our customers understand and are willing to take the risks involved. You probably cannot get a refund (but it's not for me to say, payments are handled by OSBot), so there's no harm in asking by contacting @Maldesto and explaining the situation to him. Apa
  14. Unfortunately not, sorry. Only anvils and furnaces etc. Blast furnace would be a whole new script (as u can probably tell by the price tag on khals script apa
  15. Users have reported: walking this way ...and walking this way: Orange shows the Position[] array of the path it's trying to walk. Obviously I didnt set the path to walk that way, it's meant to walk into the furnace room (180* rotation), but I guess this is where the bug arises. When I tried it myself, the path flicked back and forth between the furnace room and this orientation (very rapidly). apa
  16. I've given you a 24h trial. Enjoy! apa
  17. Servers are down. https://osbot.org/mvc/scripters/info and https://osbot.org/mvc/scripters/salessum do not load. Just gotta be patient and wait for this to be fixed ! apa
  18. is bot offline for anyone else?
  19. Easy fix untint ur plate put ur info in the glove box apply for reg done
  20. i'm not sure, I cannot currently test the script because i've got no internet atm ( just moved house). But the issue is deffo known and it may already have been fixed ( I am pretty sure there was a recent mirror client update?) sorry about not being able to give you a straight answer :c apa
  21. Hey! I understand your caution completely However please post a trial request on my trials thread (link on the front of this thread or in my signature) - Nothing personal just I need to keep track of the trials I give out and having all the requests in the same thread makes this possible thanks! apa
  22. I've given you a 24h trial. Enjoy!: ) apa
  23. no idea, I have an iphone lol
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