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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. someone else also reported this issue so I promised to look into it. hopefully i'll see what's wrong and fix it before the weekend will also make a few things a bit more clear on front of gui hopefully as specified above^ apa
  2. pants? what are pants OH ! you mean trousers? chinos. jeans are aweful
  3. good marketing strat I should give it a shot
  4. I will add some more clear instructions upon script startup hopefully this weekend when I look into the script getting stuck - Thanks for pointing this out! apa
  5. np. Let me know when u do get around to testing. It should say v 1.5 at the top of the paint and gui apa
  6. the script will only withdraw full potions so please decant the potions at the he and try again with (4)s. also, open the console and it should give you info if you're missing anything else. apa
  7. Hey On second thoughts, I tried to get into the room but it turns out you need varrock hard diaries completed in order to get in. I can probably still add support for it, but it will be untested as I can't actually try it xD Just so you know. It should still work though. let me know if it doesn't! apa PS update coming out shortly ========================================================================== UPDATE! Version 1.50 Updated banking a little (I think this may have been a previous behind the scenes push, but just announcing it now) Added support for cooks guild cooking area (untested, PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF IT WORKS!) enjoy, apa
  8. will be taking a look soon, hopefully I can get these bugs ironed out before the weekend. Will also be adding support for blowpipe apa
  9. have given you a 24h trial. Enjoy! apa
  10. No, it will update after the scripter submits an update request which can take a few hours to process the whole client doesn't need to update in order for new versions of scripts to become available! apa
  11. Hey fingers crossed you won't be banned for it I'm sure it will be ok. As for the issue, i'll take a look. It shouldn't be getting stuck, however the client's walking and interacting systems have been changing alot recently so this may be a side effect. Apa
  12. Probably, yes. I'll see if I can get round to it this weekend
  13. You could make more money begging on the streets for 1 week than you could make fro writing this script after spending 1 year developing it
  14. It's a private forum, so we cannot access the link unless we are sdn managers / devs And ye, just be patient and they will eventually get round to you. If you've waited 1 and a half weeks, i'd expect it would be soon. Apa
  15. Thank you for the proggy ! Walking is also a little bit dodgy on mirror atm, it should be better on injection. I believe the devs are aware and are in process of fixing apa
  16. http://help.eclipse.org/kepler/index.jsp?topic=/org.eclipse.wb.doc.user/html/installation/index.html
  17. I'm not sure about other IDEs but a great place to start if you're using eclipse is: http://www.eclipse.org/windowbuilder/download.php windowbuilder generates most of the code for you so all you need to do is work with your custom variables. Let me know if you have any more questions! apa
  18. When a scripter pushes an update, the script manager / devs check the content to ensure it's not malicious. They then put the update live for everyone to use. The schedule for live pushes is twice a day, so it may take a little while for an update to be available to you. But rest assured that you're not doing anything wrong and you just have to wait for the version to go live! As for the collections, make sure you're using the in-game script browser. If it's not showing your scripts there then i'm not sure what to suggest. Which scripts did you purchase in the past? apa
  19. holy shit the new interactions are awesome
  20. Hi Thanks for showing interest however i'm not sure which script you're after. Please fill reply following the format on the thread's original post thanks apa
  21. Looks good i've seen this tool but never used it, i've always just used the widget debugger. What's the advantage to having this which the widget debugger doesn't provide ? I feel like I may be missing out on alot apa
  22. Hey Unfortunately this is probably meant to be handled by the client but was probably overlooked as most botted accounts don't have bank pins. Unfortunately there's not really much I can do about it (could potentially add a handler for it I spose?). It might be quicker for you to wait for the interface to expire (should be a couple days I think?) Will see apa
  23. Not necessarily, I'm not sure how the .interact() method works exactly as I've not looked at the client code, but I believe it will most times just left click but sometimes right click. Give it a test! apa Not always!
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