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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Hey again Please install the development build for the client. This will stop hopping to deadman mode! more info here: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/85500-development-build-v23135/ apa
  2. nothing wrong with eclipse Also, i wouldn't say node frameworks were more efficient. Infact potentially less so. I guess they are a bit more organised and have a different style which makes it appropriate for some projects and unnecessary for others. But yes, gl, and as I said, let me know if you have any more questions apa
  3. I've given you both 24h trials. enjoy! apa
  4. Uhhhh depends what you wish to input. If it's a more complex set of variables which need adjusting before the script runs, you'll need a full gui which you design piece by piece with swing components. If you need just one (or maybe a couple) of variables changing for much more basic scripts, there are a few shortcuts. String s = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Title", "Default option"); when you run this code, the script will open an input dialogue box which awaits user input. Once the user presses ok, it will save the input to the string 's' (as u can see from the code). You can do this with ints too.. If you need a more complicated gui like that of my rock crabs script: So ye, if you need something like that, I recommend you install the windowbuilderpro plugin for eclipse (if that's what you're using - if not then i'm sure you'll be able to find an equivalent plugin for your ide) You can install this plugin here (it will give you instructions on this page too: http://www.eclipse.org/windowbuilder/download.php ) Once you have that, it will make your life 10x easier. All you need to do after that is build the gui and send the variables to the main class using an actionListener on a start jbutton (for example). let me know if you have any further questions and i'll be willing to help apa
  5. glad you got it sorted and glad you like it! apa
  6. any messages logged in the console? chances are you've set something up wrong! apa
  7. a nice simple roguelike would be good. Perhaps something similar to the binding of isaac but less of the heavy roguelike element? my idea of a perfect singleplayer game would be similar to TBOI but with some sort of system other than losing all ur progress if you die. Would be a little tricky especially encorporating other forms of combat such as melee, but should be worthwhile! apa
  8. those are some top notch stats u got there mate
  9. have given you a 24htrial. Enjoy ! apa
  10. Wooooo! glad you got this issues sold. By all means feel free to ask more questions tho, feel free to pm me too gl! apa
  11. Does it eventually correct itself after these occasions? I plan to extent the path to the shrine a bit, but i've not had the banking issue before in my entire time of running it. How strange! thanks for the reports apa
  12. If you're testing a script which you've just written, you'll most likely not be banned. I've tested my scripts on the same acc for the past year and a half with no problems. Mind you, I tend to avoid getting the proggies because that means running the script for more than an hour which makes me uncomfortable! The less players using the script, the lower 'ban rate' I suppose. So you should be more or less safe apa
  13. giggled they know what they're doing when it comes to sweettalking customers x)
  14. The best way for you to learn is to figure this one out for yourself. That being said, i'll point you in the right direction By all means ask more questions if you get stuck btw! So. Looking at your code, you're writing it like a recipe. While in theory this should work, due to a range of the osbot api's structure and general good coding form, writing like a recipe is a bad way to do it. What you want is more if statements. So for example, in your walk to bank state, you're instantly telling it to walk path4 (whatever that is). But perhaps add a check to see if it should / needs to walk this path. If you add this kind of system for every section of the journey and make sure that there's no overlapping, you should be good to go apa
  15. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/61445-apa-script-trials-free/ here haha! Oh well np, I gave you a 23h 59 min 59 second trial anyway. I deducted a second because you posted in the wrong place x) enjoy! apa
  16. Apaec


    It's okay mate we're safe in england but if you take a trip to belgium, bring a helmet and make sure u wear it at all times while walking the streets just incase
  17. Don't worry about pestering me!: ) As for the code, FORMAT IT! From first glance it looks like you've got the bracket alignment wrong in the getState() switch. It's quite hard to read tho as it's all over the place. but generally, an NPE is an easy error to fix. It just means you forgot to null check something - in this case specifically on line 52 (as it says in the stacktrace). Take a look at that line and see if you can figure out what's wrong! (hint - nullcheck the cupboard ) apa
  18. glad you got it sorted would be awesome to see a screenshot of the script in action! apa
  20. RELEASED! thanks eric
  21. Gave you a 6h trial. Hope you like it x) apa Gave you a 24h trial. Enjoy! apa
  22. I've given you a 6h trial. Enjoy and I hope it lives up to your expectations! apa
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