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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Ah, I see Would be very hard to implement as would require alot of engine changes. Additionally, it would have to take priority over anti-ban as this would scuff the method up. This would end up looking incredibly botlike and I don't want you guys accs to get banned! Nonetheless I can take a look and perhaps i'll consider implementing it as an optional thing. No promises tho! apa
  2. Ye the initial idea was to reset crabs while hopping. The script should hop before trying to walk back , i'm not sure why it walks back before hopping again for you as it seems to be ok for me ;o I'll take a look apa
  3. Hey I will consider making a shorter path walking route but the idea was to be out of combat for longer than 10 secs so it didn't fail to hop. alternatively you can let it refresh by entering the cave which might be better for ya apa
  4. I've given you a 12h trial, enjoy! apa
  5. I've given you guys all 24h trials. Enjoy! apa
  6. ^ This issue is present in all scripts, just gotta be patient for devs to fix thanks apa
  7. new Gui: beta testing coming to a close, almost all bugs are squished and things are now running very smoothly! apa
  8. That will work just fine too however the rect may overlap with the stack size should the item be stackable apa
  9. Unfortunately from the current api it seems you can only draw the first slot as mousedestination returns the first item in the inventory (L->R,T->B) But in order not to overlap the number, you can do something like: g.drawRect( (int) this.inventory .getMouseDestination( this.inventory.getSlot(item)) .getBoundingBox().getX() - 1, (int) this.inventory .getMouseDestination( this.inventory.getSlot(item)) .getBoundingBox().getY() - 1, (int) this.inventory .getMouseDestination( this.inventory.getSlot(item)) .getBoundingBox().getWidth() + 2, (int) this.inventory .getMouseDestination( this.inventory.getSlot(item)) .getBoundingBox().getHeight() + 2); where the additions correct the rectangle dimensions apa
  10. Unfortunately I cannot watch videos as i've just moved house and have VERY limited internet (2GB allowance per month) but i'll google it a bit later on apa
  11. thanks for the proggie I don t think the video rates include breaks. But they don't look entirely accurate either. It's hard to tell I guess! As for 3 tick cooking, you'll need to explain what that is to me apa
  12. GroundItem g = groundItems.closest("bobrocket is a nub"); if (g != null && g.exists() && map.canReach(g)) { //blah } apa
  13. BTS Update: Just made changes to banking. Now uses more up-to-date code. Apa
  14. Unforuntately I cannot give you a trial as it's not currently released. Hang around until hopefully the end of this week and you may be in luck tho apa I've given you a 24h trial, enjoy! apa
  15. I've given you a 24h trial. Enjoy! apa
  16. Apaec

    xboner adeen

    games consoles suck
  17. Yes. Unfortunately I cannot offer you an additional trial as it seems you already made good use of the previous one. Sorry about that! apaec
  18. I rarely use injection as my comp cant run mirror very well, but I've not been banned in a while. That being said, I'd say mirror is deffo safer. It's anyones guess tho apa
  19. holy S$&! 70 hours!? jesus! that's awesome mate, truely awesome. Thanks for sharing that. I've added it to the front page apa
  20. Not sure, that's just how I designed it :p it didn't really have edges before
  21. Have given you a 24h trial. Enjoy! apa
  22. Following the recent change in osbot image signature maximum dimensions (now 500x300), I designed a new set of images. I made the images in photoshop and @Wax A tidied them up a little bit Please r8: + Overall -apa
  23. I've given you a 24h trial. Enjoy:! ) apa
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