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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. I'm suprised they haven't realised how flawed DMM is already I feel the more they change it, the harder it is to follow and it seems to be getting just too complicated now. Plus, a lot of the issues simply cannot be completely solved. I think they need to pursue a more natural competition if they want to get going in e-sports; something like Castle wars or a PVP Tournament...
  2. Awesome progress, congrats! (:
  3. Hey! The reset route is as it is to remove any ambiguity as to whether or not the reset was successful. I was not aware that you could reset these spots by walking to that position though, I will run some experiments at some point this week to test the feasibility, but the last thing I want is for a path short enough that the refresh fails and the script ends up running backwards and forwards for two hours. Better safe than sorry in this case in my opinion! ... 2 days?! Woah!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for sharing that, it's awesome!!!! That's the script walking to a safe position 2 minutes before a break starts to ensure you can log out safely! (:
  4. Hey, unfortunately it doesn't for a number of reasons, however since rock crabs have cleared out a little more, it is something that I am more likely to consider adding in the future. Can't make and promises though!
  5. Hey, The AIO cooker has the option to move the mouse outside the screen while cooking, alongside the option to add a random delay after finishing the inventory before banking. That being said, there's nothing that scripts can really do to prevent bans, (see https://osbot.org/forum/topic/124429-preventing-rs-botting-bans-v2/ ) - it's mostly how you use the script that matters. Cheers Apa
  6. Hiya - sure thing, done! (: Apa
  7. Sure, done! I've also given you a trial for sand crabs since they're higher exp rate so it might be worth giving them a go. Cheers!
  8. Hey! I've given you a 24h sand crab trial; since they have more hp (60 vs the 50 that rock crabs have), they have a higher exp rate so I would recommend the sand crabs script! (: Apa
  9. Hey ! Good effort! As @TheWind said, the key is to have one and only one 'action' line execute in one onLoop iteration. The reason for this is that you are programming for a live game and as such issues such as latency fluctuations can result in interactions failing. If you're relying on an interaction to succeed for future lines of code, this can cause horrible errors! A classic example is banking. For example calling: getBank().open(); getBank().withdraw("Example", 500); Is a big error - ask yourself, what if the first line fails? The the script will try to withdraw stuff from the bank but it's not open - uh oh! Instead, you want to make it only do what it needs to based on the current situation: if (getBank().isOpen()) { if (getBank().contains("Example") && getBank().getAmount("Example") >= 500) { getBank().withdraw("Example", 500); //Conditional sleep here } else { log("Not enough Example in bank"); stop(); } } else { getBank().open(); } -Apa
  10. Thanks for letting me know; I just did a test run and had a look at the code - it seems that when I implemented the highly requested target feature, the stopping for that took priority over banking-related stopping, causing the script to sit idle. I've just pushed an update (Version 3.09) with a fix for this which I tested now and is working well. Sorry about that! -Apa Heya! I've just done a test run at Rogues Den; the script seems to be working well: I'm not sure what could be causing this issue for you - if you encounter it again, please let me know! (: Apa
  11. Awesome, thanks for the kind words! Glad it's living up to expectations. Let me know if you need anything! (: Apa
  12. Join a Club or learn something new!
  13. Sure thing, both done! (: Apa
  14. Not that I can think of. Unfortunately you will either have to ignore or suppress it!
  15. Cheers for getting in touch. Unfortunately there's not much I can do about a laggy connection other than recommend you get a more stable one! I could adjust some timers but that would slow the script down in other places, and users without laggy connections would also suffer! As for the tourist trap, this is something I could do perhaps; I will look in to adding requirement checking at some point. Cheers for the suggestion! Apa
  16. Your code is OK, I think this is a problem with the ambiguity that generics cause with the compiler.
  17. Hmm, if it's not in mirror that the issue happens, then it's plausible that the reset route is not long enough. I will look at extending it! Apa Edit: For now, perhaps try a different camp location!
  18. Sure thing, done! (: Will do!! thanks (:
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