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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Why shouldn't the conditional sleep be inside the if? ConditionalSleep#sleep returns a boolean (relating to the success), and as such can be used for conditional/ternary expressions. @Lychees You need to find some other way to check this! Perhaps implement some kind of inventory listener of your own design, or have a concurrent timer counting the time since a pizza base was last made? -Apa
  2. If you're unsure about what's going on, i'd suggest switching over to a slightly simpler structure: the 'if' statement! Work straight in the onLoop. For example: if (getBank().isOpen() { if (!getInventory().isEmpty() { getBank().depositAll(); } } else { getBank().open(); } At some point, I will update my guide as I think it's a little too abstracted for a beginner to programming altogether. Apa
  3. Not sure have a look at the log file, see what it says, and maybe try googling ?
  4. On request - I wouldn't consider it an issue; i'd just consider this update a feature!: Version 3.05 Prevented the script from depositing runes. The script will still deposit everything else that it does not need! Added checks for inventory over-configuration while banking If you have runes in your inventory, please account for this yourself by ensuring you leave free slots in the gui inventory set up! Please set up the auto-casting for your spell manually before starting the script. Please allow time for the developers to verify the update and push it live; this normally takes less than 24 hours. Please the latest version is running before reporting any issues. Apa
  5. I'm sorry to hear that ): It happens though... 80 cooking is a good achievement, but hopefully the next account you bot will last longer!!! Apa
  6. Sure, done! Woo, awesome once again!! (: Thanks for sharing this one as well!!!!! 2.3M exp... wow! Edit: You've almost got a skillcape worth of exp! Sure thing, done!!
  7. Hey, Unfortunately probably not with the script at this price, since if I were to add one pie, I would have to add them all along side all pizzas and other special food items. Perhaps in another script though down the road some time! Sure thing, done!( : Apa
  8. I aim to get this done today or tomorrow! Not sure where this error is coming from; seems to be a stack trace from client code. Are you sure this is at the bottom of the logger when the script is stopping?
  9. Sure, no problem. I've just started a trial for the sand crabs script for you; enjoy!(:
  10. It's up to you with the times, there's no 'optimum' set up. Just think of it this way - the less you bot, the less likely you are to get banned. 2 hour botting sessions are quite long, that's longer that I personally would bot in one day. It's up to you though, it's a compromise between xp gains and chances of a ban! Apa
  11. Just set breaks up as you would for any other script through the options menu; the script will make sure that you break safely. Apa
  12. Apologies; I thought when you said you were combining items, you meant for example putting toppings on pizza; and I concluded you were attempting to sleep until, for example, there are no tomatoes left in your inventory, with a time out of 1 minute say. Guthix teas is a bit different; not entirely sure how they work but i'm sure you will find a neat solution - good luck!
  13. Woo 1 day run time! Thanks for sharing; 1.3M is crazy gains for that time scale (: Holy moly, 90 k exp per hour!?!!! wow! Thank you for sharing this as well! Thank you; glad it's working well!
  14. Player somePlayer = getPlayers().closest("Zezima"); //Edit: Trading this player: int someThreshold = 7000; if (somePlayer != null && getMap().canReach(somePlayer) && somePlayer.interact("Trade with") && new ConditionalSleep(someThreshold) { @Override public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return getTrade().isCurrentlyTrading(); } }.sleep()) log("Successfully in trade!");
  15. In my opinion this is a big mistake; the key with a solid script is that the onLoop is minimally interrupted; i.e no long sleeps. Perhaps not as important for a fletching script or something similar to what you're doing, however for scripts such as those which involve combat, checking values such as hp levels, prayer levels etc regularly is paramount. There must be a way for you to check the status based on the current contents of your inventory, your animation or some kind of inventory change listener implementation!
  16. Sure, replied on other thread.
  17. Hey, sure thing, i've started a 24h trial on your account! (: Enjoy, Apa
  18. I've been doing agility recently, I keep my botting sessions at a maximum of 15 minutes in length and don't exceed ~1-2h per day. Also, i'm using a homemade script. I've got to 70 on two accounts without any issues! It seems to be entirely random though; just play it safe!
  19. https://www.youtube.com/user/BrokenToasterTV
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