Hiya ! Thanks for getting in touch - unfortunately the script is not working reliably in mirror mode at the moment. Unfortunately there's not a lot that I can do about this, as the issue seems to be inconsistent with Stealth Injection and the client code is out of my reach. I would strongly recommend switching over to stealth injection mode as the script will run smoothly on it and you will be able to leave it running without babysitting. Since stealth is widely considered equally safe to mirror, hopefully this shouldn't be too much of a problem!
Hey (: Unfortunately the path really has to be that long - when I was testing with shorter paths, I ran in to situations where the script would run the refresh route and return but fail to re-aggro the crabs, leaving it in a continuous refreshing loop. As for catching other crabs, due to the tile and limited walk-zone arrangement of the island, avoiding this is pretty much impossible. Even though i've recorded the routes such that they cause as little disturbance as possible, it can still happen - normally it's not too much of a problem as other players tend to have killed most of their sand crab spawns/aggroed them. From my previous behavioural analysis, I also noticed that most players ended up doing this when they legitimately refreshed the sand crabs, so I doubt it would single you out as a bot! Also, if you haven't already, be sure to check out the refresh delay which is good at making it look like you're an AFK player returning to the game tab to refresh after an OSBuddy notification!
Heya, sure thing. Done! (: