Hmm, that's odd... This never used to be the case! I have no idea why that would happen, especially since from what you've said, it doesn't seem to happen consistently. Interactions are handled by OSBot so I would assume the problem resides there, perhaps with the latest client update. Then again, Alek didn't specify adjusting any interaction code therefore I doubt this would be the cause.
If it is consistently happening, I would recommend switching over to a different location and running the script there. Hosidius is great since it is quite quick to get favour and you have a reduced burn rate. In the mean time I will investigate this issue.
As for the Agility script, it has been completed and is awaiting SDN release. The request has been submitted, however with the current developer issues with OSBot, it is understandable that this request is yet to be processed. Hopefully it will be released soon! (: