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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. I understand what is confusing you. As you have said, RS2Object is an interface, and as such we cannot instantiate it. For example, we cannot do RS2Object anObject = new RS2Object(); However, we can refer to an RS2Object implementing class, e.g InteractableObject, as an RS2Object. While Objects#closest returns an RS2Object, in reality it is returning an instance of a concrete class which implements RS2Object. Take this example. Consider some interface: public interface SomeInterface { public String someMethod(); } We can then have some classes implementing this interface. For example: public class SomeClass implements SomeInterface { public SomeClass() { ... } // Constructor @Override public String someMethod() { return "Hello from SomeClass"; } } ... and we can have another class also implementing this interface: public class SomeOtherClass implements SomeInterface { public SomeOtherClass() { ... } // Constructor @Override public String someMethod() { return "Hello from SomeOtherClass!"; } public String someOtherMethod() { return "ABC"; } } We can then refer to both of these classes as their parent interface. For example: List<SomeInterface> list = new ArrayList<SomeInterface>(); list.add(new SomeClass()); list.add(new SomeOtherClass()); for (SomeInterface item : list) { System.out.println(list.someMethod()); } // -- Output -- // > "Hello from SomeClass!" > "Hello from SomeOtherClass!" HOWEVER, note that this would not compile: SomeInterface example = new SomeOtherClass(); System.out.println(someMethod()); // This works! System.out.println(someOtherMethod()); // Uh-oh! This does not work as SomeInterface does not have a 'someOtherMethod' method, despite SomeOtherClass having it. Hopefully that cleared things up. I didn't write the code in an IDE so hopefully I didn't make any silly typos/mistakes... Let me know if you're still confused Apa
  2. That's great to hear! (: It really is great exp and paired with the reliability, the script is starting to look pretty awesome! Now all I need to do is try and get my hands on an account with seers diary completed, and/or 80/90+ agility so that I can add & test the final two courses...
  3. I mean it really depends on what you're looking for! Navigating javadocs takes a bit of practice - if you're looking for a specific method, you can have a look in index view, but mostly class tree view is the easiest to digest. If you're unsure about anything, don't hesitate to let me know! The more scripts you write, the more fluent you will become with both Java and the API. Apa
  4. Probably; but it's mostly down to how you use the script than the script itself. I'd recommend giving this topic a read: So long as you use generous breaks and keep sessions short, you should be fine. Apa
  5. As you said it is an abstract class; thus you can't instantiate it. You will need to extend it and provide a body to the abstract methods if you wish to use it. That being said, I can't see why you would need to do this, especially since you're new to scripting! If you're looking to check if your player is animating, perhaps try something along these lines in your class which extends Script: boolean animating = myPlayer().isAnimating(); .. or if you want the animation id: int animationId = myPlayer().getAnimation(); Note that an id of (-1) is no animation. GL! Apa Edit: Spelling
  6. Updated OP to reflect latest UI that I was working on today:
  7. 'little'... Woo! 1 day and 17 hours, that's pretty mental! (: Congratulations on the 2.3M exp gained... that's pretty awesome. Thanks for sharing! -Apa
  8. It's ready to go; however recently the developer managing SDN uploads has resigned, so staff have put SDN uploads on hold until someone is found to replace the role. Hopefully soon but I cannot give an exact date as it is now out of my control! (: Apa
  9. Cheers for this suggestion! Today I have been working on adding this; it's awesome exp! The script can now high alch / low alch / cast magic imbue as it traverses the course. I will also attempt to do it at strategic times to optimise exp gains. Apa
  10. Sure thing Saren, done! (:
  11. I wanted to add teleporting at seers but I don't have an account with the requirements so I cannot add/test that at the moment. As for alching/magic imbue, this is certainly something I could add, didn't realise it was a common thing to do! I will perhaps run some tests and see how much it impacts exp rates. Apa
  12. Apaec

    APA Chest Thiever

    Yeah, on normal worlds this method isn't very good for exp. This script was initially written for Deadman mode where the xp rates are multiplied and nature prices were through the roof! Edit: Most/all screenshots are from deadman mode Apa
  13. https://osbot.org/forum/topic/98799-apa-sand-crabs/ at the moment! (: I would suggest asking for a trial from each of them and comparing them that way. Most people here would have used one and only one, and as such their recommendation would not really be fair! (:
  14. Apaec

    APA AIO Miner

    Perhaps this is a mirror only issue? Does it do this on Stealth injection?
  15. So... We just passed 10B total exp gained with the script, and almost 20 years of cumulative run-time: Awesome stuff guys!!! (: ~Apa
  16. Apaec

    APA AIO Miner

    It doesn't really matter so much as there are lots of other factors such as latency fluctuations which can offset this value. Find a good balance, perhaps 200 or so. Add randomisation / gaussian randomisation if you want to (although it's not strictly necessary and there's no proof that it is worth the (very little) additional CPU). I cache object ids for the rocks since they are dynamically selected on startup (: Apa
  17. Ow I must be doing something wrong! Maybe I should get a new logo set... Apa
  18. Yeah, sure thing! (: Done!
  19. Apaec

    APA AIO Miner

    Maybe; I could potentially add this as an option.
  20. Unfortunately I don't think this is possible. When you purchase a script, you own it for the lifetime of the script - these scripts were removed quite some time ago ): Hopefully you got your moneys worth while they were still active! -Apa
  21. I did notice and I gave you a trial! (: Here's when the auth expires: 2017-11-11 18:27:31 UTC Apa (:
  22. Hey, Unfortunately it looks like you've already had a trial and have gotten some good use out of the script. As a result, I cannot offer you another one - sorry about that! Apa
  23. As @progamerz helpfully pointed out; the client had some issues following the game update(s). Hopefully the latest OSBot release will fix things. Check it out: Apa
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