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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Hi guys, Cheers for the requests! They've all been done. Best Hey Ishyati, please could you clarify for which script you want a trial? Apa
  2. Hey I'm sure you can find one of these online. That being said it should be quite easy to throw one together with the current API, you should give it a go! Apa
  3. Hey guys As I said before, working on fixing the script up ready for the 2.5.X release Apa
  4. Hi guys, I'll be working on fixing the script up for the coming 2.5.X build (which should be arriving later this week). Will keep you updated (: Apa
  5. If you're (rightfully) concerned about this stuff, i'd suggest: Asking for the source code, perhaps in the form of an online repo (github/gitlab/bitbucket/...) Perhaps build your own jars from said source code if you're confident you know how Decompiling the built jars that are sent to you before running them There are plenty of free decompilers available online, or alternatively you can install IDE plugins if that is your thing. Running the code by a scripter on here to double check GL! Apa
  6. Apaec

    APA AIO Miner

    Not sure, haven't tried. Mirror is quite buggy though so i'd strongly recommend using SI where possible! Apa
  7. Have the workaround for the ladder misclicking added to my to-do list! Progress is currently slow however while i'm figuring out a local image loading issue which has cropped up in recent OSBot versions. Thanks! Sure thing, done!
  8. Hey, Not sure why this would be, pin stuff is handled by OSBot since that information is privileged. Perhaps try running on an account without a bank pin, and if you're using mirror, perhaps try switching to Stealth injection? Cheers
  9. Hey! Just added this stuff to my to-do list. At the moment progress seems to be on hold due to some inconsistencies with local image loading which i'm trying to figure out. Image loading that worked on previous versions but no longer works on the past couple of versions >.< I don't want the paint to get too messy, so i'll do my best to add this info - i'll try and add it in a subtle way (: Cheers Apa
  10. Hi guys! Sure thing, both done. Enjoy!
  11. Done! (: Hey, I just checked - it looks like the trial request was denied since you've already had a trial of the script with the following timestamp: 2017-01-06 -> 2017-01-08 22:48:50 UTC Unfortunately as hopefully you will understand, I cannot offer you another trial! Sorry about that Apa Sure- activated!
  12. Sure, please could you specify which script you'd be interested in trying? Apa Sure thing done!! (:
  13. Ah, it looks like the trial request got denied since you already had a trial with the expiry timestamp 2017-04-27 19:50:37 UTC Unfortunately as a result, I cannot really offer you a fresh trial. Sorry about that! Apa
  14. Hey I mean, it's entirely possible, but i'm not sure how far this could go in the way of helping prevent bans. I wouldn't want to add options which ensued a false sense of security to users - If you're this worried, consider having a read of this thread https://osbot.org/forum/topic/124429-preventing-rs-botting-bans-v2/ , and try keeping botting session length to a minimum! Cheers Apa
  15. Hard for me to say since i've not used the other one. I suppose this would be a decision for you to make - if you would like a trial so you can give it a go, please let me know. Apa
  16. Hi, Sounds like you might have configured breaks weirdly. There's always a reason for the script to behave in a certain way, if anything weird is happening, i'd suggest opening the console logger and looking what it says there. Also, the script status might give you a clue as to what it is trying to do! If that doesn't help, please let me know. Hey I tested with ranging potions and it seemed to work fine. What setup are you using if you don't mind I ask? Apa
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