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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Hi, sure - for which script though? (: Hey, unfortunately your account needs to be at least a week old to qualify. Sorry about that! Sure thing, done!
  2. Thanks ! Glad they're living up to expectations (:
  3. Here's an example of checking health percentage, and eating if below a threshold: private int getHpPercent() { int staticHp = getSkills().getStatic(Skill.HITPOINTS); int dynamicHp = getSkills().getDynamic(Skill.HITPOINTS); int hpPercent = 100 * (dynamicHp / staticHp); return hpPercent; } // --- in your onLoop somewhere --- // // ... int hpThreshold = 50; // 50% for example if (getHpPercent() < hpThreshold) { log("Man, I could really use a lobster rn"); String foodToEat = "Lobster"; if (getInventory().contains(foodToEat)) { if (getInventory().interact("Eat", foodToEat)) { log("Man, that was a tasty lobster!"); } } } // ... How skills work: Good luck -Apa Edit: I've had a look at your code, it looks like you're trying to do too much in one go! If this is your first script, start of in stages. Here's what I would do from here on: Maybe try a simple side project, for example making a very basic woodcutting script. This will help you get the hang of some inventory/rs2object basics If you're super keen on fleshcrawlers, build the script in stages. First do the eating. Then the fighting. Then the banking. Don't try and do it all at once Send me a PM if/when you get stuck, i'm always happy to help. It's a super steep learning curve, but if you know a bit of programming already (no, CSS or HTML won't help you here ahah), then you're in a good shape. Once you feel confident with the API, start branching out and learning about Java itself, object orientation and the concepts involved. It's much easier to learn this stuff when you have the basic syntax down!
  4. That's odd. Perhaps something changed with the latest game update (I think they changed some POH stuff) - I will take a look Apa
  5. Hey, Please could you let me know - does it log anything in the console? Apa
  6. Started the trial (: And yes you can pay with GP, but not directly since OSBot must take a cut ! (plus I don't have the power to give out copies of the script). You will have to buy a store voucher which you can redeem for credit. Here's a link to the vouchers section. Good luck! https://osbot.org/forum/forum/227-vouchers/ Apa
  7. That's odd, does it log anything in the console?
  8. Sure thing, done! Hi, unfortunately your OSBot account must be a week old to qualify for a trial. Sorry about that! Apa
  9. Thanks for your custom! I'm thinking of making a 'drop vials' toggle in the UI instead of making it 'drop junk', so you can keep vials while still dropping junk. That being said, it's important to note that if you keep your inventory full, the script won't be able to loot, so you may miss out on easy clues! Apa
  10. Hey (: Once you ask for a trial, after I process your request the script will be in your collection just like any other script for 24 hours. You don't need to install or download anything, it's all automatic (: -Apa
  11. Unfortunately your account must be over a week old to qualify. Sorry about that! Sure thing, done !(:
  12. Hey! Sure thing - i've activated the trial now. As for using it, hopefully the UI should be intuitive, but if not and there's something that is confusing you, please let me know! The key to avoiding bans is to keep your botting sessions short and sweet. As a personal rule, albeit a very cautious one, I like to bot no more than 1 hour per day and generally spread that between 2-3 sessions. After all, it's best to make slow progress than none at all! For more info, see https://osbot.org/forum/topic/124429-preventing-rs-botting-bans-v2/ ! Best of luck Apa
  13. Ah, apologies. I thought you said 'the changes I mentioned above' and I was searching the thread history for your posts! Unfortunately i've not had a chance to look into these. Banking is probably not coming in the near future since it's slightly lower priority, but the alching on the tightrope issue is deffo something I plan on looking into shortly. At the moment it's a bit difficult to test however, since image loading is not working locally. I believe the devs are aware since I asked in the chatbox, they have a busy schedule though but hopefully the issue will be resolved soon and I will be able to continue work on the script with a full working copy before pushing to the SDN. Apa
  14. Hi, please could you specify which changes you mentioned above?
  15. Hi, it may have been if you didn't manage to get any use from the script but unfortunately I cannot repeat trials unless you completely missed out Sorry about that but hopefully in the short time you had with it, you got a feel for how it runs! Apa
  16. It should shift-drop it if you have shift-dropping configured in your OSRS settings !
  17. Hey! Thanks for the kind words (: The script will drop junk automatically (among the list of junk items is vials, yes!). I'm not sure why you'd want this removed though? I could certainly make the 'drop junk' option a toggle but I figured i'd just leave it off the UI since I didn't want to clutter it with options I didn't think people would need! Apa
  18. Phials will be coming as part of the re-write. No ETA on that just yet though! Here's the script which I believe scriptersteve was referring to: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/119221-acerds-gilded-altar/ It's not written by me but it mentions phials support in the features! Best Apa
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