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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Do you think you can take a gif of the script doing it?
  2. This isn't even my script, post it ont he right topic .... WTF? xD I didn't even know you could use other logs to repair barricades Sure enjoy!
  3. Enjoy the trials Can you get me a printscreen of where this happends? I can make an option for that if needed
  4. What do you mean by this? What method.. what settings ..?
  5. The script is a one time payment, so there are no recurirng payments at all So I don't know who is charging you, but it can't be one of my scripts since they are all 1 time fees Enjoy the trials Will take a look at it. Do you got noted clay in your inven right? EDIT: https://gyazo.com/cd026fc79a78eaeab0f4673d17639e29 Seems to work fien for me on all tabs and both butlers? Nothing was changed in the script or changed in runescape that would trigger something like what you explained. Can you hit me up on skype?
  6. Uhm not for now, why is that needed? ENjoy the trials!
  7. Banns are based on the IP, if you make too many you'll be banned. if you use the worng proxies you'll get locks. All of my script work flawlessy for over 2 year now, I don't have to check my topics every day to hear of "bugs" bcs that will rarely happen. If I would have to time to check eveyrhting every day I would be glad to do that
  8. GE only lags if you are checking the box status way too much, bcs it takes a fair amount of cpu. If you are running a lot of bots and the cpu is on a high load, it's better to use you donw method. The Osbot method isn't made for slow stuff ;)
  9. What is a secure location nowadays ... Maybe try Raqqah in Syria ^^
  10. That's why my script is able to make 1500+ accounts a day with barely any banns? There detection on tutorial island is very poor actually. Banns on tutorial island happens when you have made too many on 1 IP. The will banne verything you create after that aswell, even the hand made accounts.
  11. Ya thats possible, enjoy Enjoy The script doesn't support this yet.
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