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$250.00 Donor
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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Enjoy the trials Its average
  2. Enjoy the trial Stop using mirror mode, it's broken.
  3. Enjoy the trial Resetted the trial, they onlylast 24 hours after activation that's very random though, it's hard to tell the exatc bann rate nowadays
  4. ejoy the trial Awesome! That's a very quick pet ;)
  5. What settings are you using? What's the script status?
  6. Render the doors open in your house, it's in the POH settings
  7. You don't need a while loop, the OnLoop is basicly your while loop Try this: if (grandExchange.getStatus(GrandExchange.Box.BOX_1) == GrandExchange.Status.PENDING_BUY) { status = "Pending offer"; }else if (grandExchange.getStatus(GrandExchange.Box.BOX_1) == GrandExchange.Status.FINISHED_BUY) { status = "Offer completed - Collecting"; }
  8. Read this: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/104973-tutorial-how-to-properly-cancel-automatic-renewal/
  9. My bad -_- Fixed it Enjoy the trial
  10. Well don't bot too long in one go, do some quests in between Enjoy the trial
  11. That's a mirror mode issue, The devs are aware of it. I don't know when this will be fixed You can run without mirror mode for now Enjoy the trials
  12. Khaleesi


    Please read this: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/93776-account-selling-read-before-posting/
  13. Its not yet added to the ZMI section, I hope to add it soon though. Not yet If you are using pouches they can break so the script wants to repair them. You'll need lunars magic for that
  14. awesome yes the profit takes everything in mind, so it should be fairly accurate if osbuddy doesn't bug out. 250k/h is probably stele bars right? Still nice for only 30 smithing requirement
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