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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Because you have to be patience xD Enjoy the trial Mirror mode is still broken I assume, didn't test mirror for a long time Yes it contains fixing barriers
  2. Can you add me on skype: Khaleesi.bot
  3. Hire a vps to run bots and buy a 100$ computer with internet connection ^^ With a 400$ computer you won't get far
  4. Works fine for me, tested both local and thr SDN version ... I literally copy pasted your settings: java -jar OSBot*.jar -login MYUSERNAME:MYPASSWORD -debug 5015 -proxy IP:PORT -world 382 -bot BOTNAME:BOTPASS:0000 -script 591:1;0;1;1;0 Can you check again?
  5. Disputed Member:@Harmless Why it should be removed: script related Details: / Link to topic: /
  6. Just restarting the client would also solve the issue. It's a rare issue, but it happends once in a while
  7. Ya I know those are system based settings, but thats the reason why I didn't add those. I can't check them properly in the script
  8. Enjoy the trials That's because the mirror client is broken, I can't fix this issue
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