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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. It refills them at the fountain in nardah enjoy
  2. looking at this right now. Check the logger, it will tell what is going on, maybe you are missing something? Will take a look, sorry for slow response. EDIT: I check and it should ever click a earth rune on the altar when magic imbue is not active.. I tested all possible scenarios aswell.. Also didn't go to the top of my screen for once, thats probably the antiban you are using in the scripts? You can choose the eat HP in the GUI right?
  3. Should be fixed in the next release. This could easy be solved by just changing rendering doors to "Open" in the house settings Do one inventory by yourself before starting please, Are you using breaks?
  4. Updated script to V1.12: - Fixed the setup issues at rimmington. Should be online in a few hours
  5. Hi kiddo Make sure to go to bed early today, love you!
  6. Who said I wasn't doing it ... Don't be so Jelly https://i.gyazo.com/6bbdf5d1cdbc49e2a6666b7089028c8b.mp4
  7. I can do the same amount with 3 member accounts ... Now compare your profit compared to mine when I run 50+ of those ...
  8. Thats not true anymore The will bann your mules with a macro bann since this week, Already have a few of those. Never been botted on or anything.
  9. My curent mules are also receiving a macroing major ban even though there wasn't botted on them. I assume they chainban the mule together with the current farming accounts
  10. Same here, been using mines for 6-7 months, got banend monday. Got my fresh mules also banned today
  11. No clue, I have the same issue aswell. happends on a handfull of worlds
  12. Well done, Already was suspecting this from him. This ^ lmao
  13. I've been using a fresh lvl 3 with no skills for the past 7 months and it's still fine ... Been trading over several hunders mills a day.
  14. Khaleesi


    Where have you bin?!
  15. Learn java and then try to mess around with OSbot's API After some time playing around with it you'll be good to write your own script ^^
  16. If you only would make a PROPER bug report I woudl be able to fix. All you do is compplain and flame but yet I did not see 1 proper bug report of you on this topic. What settings are you using, food type? Whats your Hp lvl? Add me on skype if you can: Khaleesi.bot I never had this issue myself, even when I test it now it works just fine for me. What settings are you using? Whats your Hp lvl? Add me on skype if you can: Khaleesi.bot Check: Thats Osbots webwalker ... I have no clue what it does that. Been reported multiple times in past months Will see if I can ditch the webwalker and qqitch back to premade paths.
  17. Didn't you see what I said above .... ? No need to spam my topic with the same thing Can you provide me some more info about what settings you are using? Maybe a printscreen or post the console log?
  18. Will take a look at this. Enjoy the trial What are you talking about? The script is working fine for over a year now. My script only uses that message when choping redwood .... what does that have to do with yews in Seers? Make a proper bug report if you need help, maybe a screenshot would help? You are definitly doing something wrong Can you provide me some more info about what settings you are using? Maybe a printscreen or post the console log?
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