That's not possible, since that would break the SDN scripters rules.
You can run multiple accounts in a row but external account managers like explv acc manager.
Well I can run it fine on multiple accounts without having any issues.
If you experience any issue, can you atleast tell me what your issue is and maybe include a screenshot of the issue?
that would help me a lot so I can adress it faster and get the script updated asap.
That's probably because a unstable connection, but when it logs out Osbot should log you back in..
I can't change that in my script
That's really fast ... what were you chopping?
Comon areas where a lot of bots run around?
That's quiet some text.. ?
Will have a look at this tomorrow when I wake up and push some update on this.
Where specificly do you ahve this problem? (Location, tree, world?)
Well actually if you fletch you put smart calc at 750 points, that's when you get a lot more rewards
You don't really want to stop at 500 when you fletch ^^
Will take a look for smart calc when you only do logs!