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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Tabs are quite useless ... everything gets started by cli these days
  2. this^ Remember that NPC and players only get loaded when they are in range. (+-16 tiles) This is different then gameobjects that get loaded together with the map chunks.
  3. Let me know if you encounter any issues ^^ Everything should be alright
  4. Enjoy the trials You can choose that in the settings when you start the script
  5. Thats was indeed a error bcs of the update that day Should be fine now Yes it works fine Gave you a 24h trial
  6. Should just work fine, sent me a image when this happend so I can see the whole client and my paint and stuff. enjoy Script updated to V1.13: - Fixed issue were script got stuck after a break. Should be online soon!
  7. The mail always tends to be slow for me aswell ... But I don't get why it would change details.
  8. Enjoy the trials Check update, you got CLI working right? ? Script updated to V1.12: - Fixed an issue with the call servant option Should be online in a few hours. Enjoy!
  9. Enable the option to light the brazier at the start. It will stand closer to the brazier to light and it gives good points/exp
  10. Can you try lowering it for a sec and try again? Add me on skype: khaleesi.bot
  11. Whats your screen resolution?
  12. Why bother making yet another script instead of picking a script thats on the SDN for over 3 years and label it "OSBot" verified? (or 2/3 of them) We scripters already approved to the terms that if we leave OSBot, Osbot can take our source and maintain it. but I can understand the point you are trying to make here ^^ It's not really our decision, if the dev team wants to do that, go for it
  13. Disputed Member:@exilated Why it should be removed: Script feedback Details: Script had all jewelry added until the update came for the silver jewelry. I did add all of them yesterday. Link to topic: /
  14. On one side I agree but at the other side I disagree with this idea.
  15. Sure let me know when you can
  16. Sure enjoy Should be availbale for 24h after I activate it The exp is based on what fm level you are... at 99 you even get 300k+ Also just burning the logs instead of fletching them will get you more fm exp but lower chance or loot. The loot is also skill related, the higher your skills the better the loot is. I'm not sure if they changed the drops in the past months though. Have you enabled "Light brazier at start" option?
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