Lol I explained 3 times what the issue here, Lets try a fourth time shall we? You don’t know the mechanics of the game...?
So if I make it check if you have clay in you inventory at butler and there is No clay left I Should stop the script, right?
well what do you think that will happen when someone who doesnt bring clay and runs the butler method? Well correct, it will stop the goddamn script because there is No clay left in your inventory...!
While running the butler method you don’t have to bring clay, the butler can get it from your bank...
It’s not really that hard to understand... if you want me to make it stop when you are out of clay at the butler, I have to force every user to bring noted clay because they won’t be able to run this method anymore. Even though a lot of people just let the butler being items from the bank and not unnote them at the butler...
Do you get the idea now?
Tl;dr the butler can bring items from the bank, you dont need them noted in your inventory.