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Everything posted by Ask4Help

  1. Stick with the pc! or go play tetris.
  2. I would say make an auction and go with the highest bidder.
  3. just added you on skype, Hoping you still have some in stock . Bought all his stock, and everything to come legit member
  4. Added you on Skype, in-case you aren't out of stock yet
  5. 10/10. just wondering where did you guys meet?
  6. Hello friend, don't want to post my Skype publicly can you pm yours? Thx
  7. Thx just started using this mirror client it's very nice.
  8. Huge Vouch for this script, ran it for 30 hours straight (with breaks) best script ever
  9. Setting this up right now, i will add breaks for sure
  10. Hello sjmabs, Follow those steps and you will be VIP in no time. Step 1_ Click Here Step 2_ Find VIP Step 3_ Click IT! Step 4_ Click RENEW And enjoy your Smexy Purple Name. and of course the extra Features! Kind Regards, YoussefSalmo Credits to this guy as well... Verified
  11. Not bad mate! i have this : how ever if download from torrent it's always a limit on how many people are seeding & leeching etcs. and you 99.9% wont see that much download speed when downloading anything .
  12. Hello 1337zingo, This Issue mostly acquire if you are missing a ingredient or not standing in the correct position. i would also highly recommend to check those scripts [thread's] where sometimes they call important information about the script to get it working. Also as Maldesto has requested a screenshot, it would help us detect the problem much faster. Kind Regards, YoussefSalmo
  13. Hello Clucky, Thank you for helping the community by testing the scripts, Sadly, no one can tell you the exact answer cause each get a different answer from a different source, How ever to answer your questions They can't see if it's the same pc or not, but if they where trying to see if you are Botting or not they will be able to detect your IP, and if something like that happened they think you are gold farming and perm ban both Accs and your IP will be flagged. So wouldn't recommend botting at the same world / spot. and use a private proxy would help alot Source : Experience+Friends. Botting is always a risk, since you are botting on your main to decrease the risks make sure to bot at minimal time as you can and take long breaks like a real human would do. For example 2-3 hours at morning 1-2 hours break 4 hours mid-day and then big sleep time like 8-10 hours. at night . Good luck on your adventure Mr.clucku, Please let me know if you have any other questions Kind Regards, YoussefSalmo
  14. the more often you get it the less exciting it will be . how ever i'm still on the level where it gets exciting ;)!
  15. Hello bishopbot, WC has a high ban rate for sure, How ever if you are Botting all those Accs on the same IP, you might be IP flagged. also are you taking breaks? have them take breaks on a diff time and don't bot in the same spot/world at all times. as if moderator come to check if those are bots you'l lose them all. kind regards, YoussefSalmo
  16. Alright, Hopefully it will be the mouse of your dreams !
  17. i would also Recommend Razor's i have 1 for 3 years now still perfect then ever, i think it would fit you perfectly if you game from time to time.
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