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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by extatus

  1. Besides having a more user friendly experience, scripters dont need to obfuscate the source files. Meaning, that nobody can steal them in the first place.
  2. extatus


    bot is down i assume
  3. Originally ment for zulrah botting (3 acc farm), but I got scammed with 2 accounts on early august (check my fb). So I played legit instead until I got bored eventually. (Banrates too high in 2k18) note: this account has never botted nor used the OSBOT client! It has rigour unlocked (76M). And Piety. 1. Pictures of the account stats https://gyazo.com/9297adfd26df9b5335739eb6b2297bb9 2. Pictures of the login details https://gyazo.com/d813d90a579476e6d25b942596a931de 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) https://gyazo.com/b5d95d639dbb30104d6b8b75787f3931 4. Pictures of the quests completed 187 QP, DT, B gloves 5. The price you will be starting bids at 90M 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 200M 7. The methods of payment you are accepting RSGP 8. Your trading conditions You go 1st unless I deem to find you are more trusted than me. 9. Pictures of the account status https://gyazo.com/cb9728e106d2dde46aaf88e0361e20bb 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address I am the 2nd owner of this account. I bought it on 3rd august on local website and I have all of his personal details.
  4. 187QP fire cape, b gloves, rng void, mage void, full grace has rigour no bans
  5. hey, i have no idea what kind of client side data gets passed to jagex, but i'm pretty sure they aren't watching your screens. they have large volume of players, and i also think the volume of data is not the biggest worry; think about the processing power needed for monitoring 30k players at the time. A classical computer wouldn't be enough for this amt. of work. Instead, they have an emphasis on hotzones (common bot areas) and they make use of filters. So a player that is new, uses weird connection (not home IP), stars walking through paths that are extremely commonplace etc. gets flagged instantly. Then it will be monitored more closely, to squeeze out whatever evidence needed for their criteria. (just making this up, but to give a rough idea). Anyway, if the players are grouped in levels of being "bot like", instead of monitoring 30k at the time,then jagex could organize their resources much more efficiently. Less suspicious group would gather less data and the opposite would apply. I suggest reading logicfurys thread, he has a pretty good approach to how jagex anti ban team would operate.
  6. They would never do that. It's better not to leave the bot devs any hints from Jagex POV. Imagine if there were like 10 threads about bot client induced bans, client developer would most certainly start with the building process of a new, better one. Instead, flag them and don't even bother searching for evidence in the haystack. Anything obvious onward that points to being bot-ish, bam. Pretty much like why the ban waves- or delays are done. When everything is unclear and foggy, there is more guesswork rather than.. facts, for making better scripts.
  7. However, if ur friend wants to run at higher clocks without ever getting artifacts. If the PSU has 2x 6 pin cables, there are various connectors that can change that to a single 8 pin (or 6+2, doesnt matter)
  8. It just has a 8-pin slot. It's fine to run 6 pin connector in that since PCI-e slot already draws 75W -and about 60w extra from 6pin cable. It will work.
  9. It should handle a 1080. Won't be bottlenecking for sure. Actually you don't need 8-pin for a 1060. Without doing overclocking, a 6 pin is fine.
  10. Got scammed for 220M. Not even recovery, just the classic "block on Skype", after going first. Should've done this, that.. I know. Fact is, I'm relatively unknown too, so I stepped on a huge risk. He had sold accs before, shit happens i guess. I'm not even gonna post pictures because this is so blatantly obvious, ukasz got scammed too and left negative fb, for the record. Please ban this asshole from the community. Thanks.
  11. i guess u were pretty active in 2014-15 but yea it's old
  12. ...i dont even remember the old website but i do roomscapes avatar idk how i ended up here again
  13. I played the main story a while ago but online isn't for me, really. I see no reason to keep the game, that's the reason I'm selling it. I've seen some info about hacked accounts going around, these being traced etc. Maybe you're referring this incident with your post (?) I don't know, I still have the key and everything I bought from free2play site for 45€ when it came out. -- I lowered the price because I'm in hurry for money.
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