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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Update v1.09 posted - Rogues chest beep is now on by default (the bot will beep when a pker is nearby) it was off by default, apologies everyone! - Banking override for pickpocketing update should be enabled in this version good luck all, this update will be live within a few hours max as for trials, gl activated all edit: Also, message to new users who don't own this script: the exchange rate is at least 1:10 or maybe even 1:15/1:20 for dmm -> osrs gp, you can make bank from this script ^^ So hurry up and trial the script - the exchange rate can decrease after a few days
  2. New update! Version 0.104 - Draynor sewers fixed, everything is perfect now - Taverley dungeon now has dusty key support - Fixed npc detection, added an informative log message to guide users if there is ever an error, instead of crashing - Added more accurate fight bounds and npc detector - Added attack-back feature, it will prioritize the npcs that it was killing before moving to a next one thanks everyone, keep the suggestions/bugs coming, I will fix/add all updates/suggestions 24/7 Please allow a few hours for the update to be registered by admins ^^ edit: fairy rings and anti-fire coming up in next update, the script already supports fairy rings but i didn't enable because I still need to test fairy rings. As for anti-fire I have added a beta version, should be fine but I didn't test all the potions but I want to post the update as fast as possible
  3. @Walrus you need to set food so the bot doesn't go bank, when starting the script, make sure there is food in inventory then click 'Load inventory' so the bot knows which food to use and which food to bank for, even if you don't need food just take like 2-3 lobsters or any other food just so the bot knows exactly what to do, everything will work flawlessly after that ^^ As for demo, activated 24h good luck ;)
  4. Oh the ladder near edgeville! Sorry I thought the entrance to stronghold of security, let me run another bugtest and fix asap EDIT: Fixed, update should be live in v0.33 within a few hours max, gl all ;)
  5. I will change the safespot system from: go to safespot when out of combat -> go to safespot immediately if not on safespot, regardless of combat As for fight bounds, I don't understand, so the npcs that were dead in the fight bounds are no longer attacked? I will do some bugtesting hopefully I find a bug so I can fix ^^ As for bones, update coming up thanks for feedback everyone, this next update should be a nice update ^^ ;)
  6. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Ohh the ardy knights in the ardy castle? I coded ardy knights to be in ardy center, but I will add an option to change the location of the npcs in the next update ^^ As for trial, activated 24h trial gl ;)
  7. New update: Version 1.103: - Added improved npc fighting code update will be live within a few hours max, gl all ;) Also guys, non-windows users can now use this script too, the last update is now live
  8. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    done, activated 24h free trial good luck ;)
  9. Czar


    Assign more ram to the osbot client, the bot will work like everybody else, 512mb should be perfect ^^
  10. Bot:break ratio of 3:1 hours should be fine , good luck ;) @lechuza which settings enabled? Have you tried a client restart, I added an anti-idle system so that if 20-30 (random) seconds is reached, the bot will attempt to mine the nearest rockfall or do the next action ^^
  11. Czar


    Use the old style, the script works both with ESC mode and without ESC mode, just set mouse zoom to default if esc mode isn't detect, will work perfectly fine ^^ EDIT: Allocate more ram to the osbot client, it seems there is not even memory
  12. Ah no worries man , this script is definitely worth it ^^ good luck
  13. Script promotions are against rules, so all users who were eligible (buy 2 get 3 free deals) have had their free scripts removed because it is not possible anymore, I used to be able to give unlimited trials (script promotions) but now there is a trial limit of 10 trials per script Also, only moderators/admins can delete posts, you must have posted some flame/troll post or something, please no negativity!
  14. Make sure to start the script near the experiments location and add npc to the fighting list from the buttons (not from the add npc name button) and it should work much better, in the meantime I will post a quick update after some bug testing ^^ as for trials, gl all ;)
  15. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Hmm ardy knights are working flawlessly for me, even banking Make sure to switch between the walking systems in the setup interface ^^ EDIT: Good luck everybody, deadman mode tournament is released, deadman gold is very profitable right now (dmm -> osrs) ;)
  16. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    gratz on progress: glad to hear the script works good, activated mlm trial gl As for wilderness agility course, I will add an update for it, but i HIGHLY recommend rooftop agility courses, they are much more perfect than wildy course ^^ EDIT: Guys I just noticed this script has gone really popular (more popular than usual, maybe because of new dmm tournament?) so please post progress reports and if you want a 24 hr free trial just post or like the main thread. good luck all
  17. Hmm it depends which tile the script was started at, did you start the script near the npcs and used local npc finder? Or how were the npcs added to the fighting list? I will post an update so that the bot will recognize if its in the fighting location or not, update coming up asap ^^ As for food, the bot is currently programmed to eat at 40-60% hp randomly, should I add an option to choose health ?
  18. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    activated both trials, gl
  19. SO Sorry guys I just noticed a typo in the code , I posted a quick update for non-windows users, the script will be launchable in this new update for all non-windows users in the meantime, please choose a free czar script until the update goes live ^^
  20. If using mac OS, make sure there is a folder in the OSBot/Data/ which is named 'perfect_fighter', so as a result: OSBot/Data/perfect_fighter/ then the script should start up perfectly fine ^^ Also guys I am thinking of making some updates for the looting interface, possibly an interface which sets all the lootable items from the chosen npcs with a + button on each item for easier loot item configuration ^^ edit: guys, should I add a button: 'Eat to full hp when banking', or should I automatically enable it without having an option (if using food)
  21. Enable the second mining option, the first mining option is just for travelling to the mining area and restarting the bot to enable the second option should work much better, gl ^^ edit: Guys, should I add an extra delay for mining a rock so that the script waits 2-3 more seconds ?
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