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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    activated both trials, gl
  2. SO Sorry guys I just noticed a typo in the code , I posted a quick update for non-windows users, the script will be launchable in this new update for all non-windows users in the meantime, please choose a free czar script until the update goes live ^^
  3. If using mac OS, make sure there is a folder in the OSBot/Data/ which is named 'perfect_fighter', so as a result: OSBot/Data/perfect_fighter/ then the script should start up perfectly fine ^^ Also guys I am thinking of making some updates for the looting interface, possibly an interface which sets all the lootable items from the chosen npcs with a + button on each item for easier loot item configuration ^^ edit: guys, should I add a button: 'Eat to full hp when banking', or should I automatically enable it without having an option (if using food)
  4. Enable the second mining option, the first mining option is just for travelling to the mining area and restarting the bot to enable the second option should work much better, gl ^^ edit: Guys, should I add an extra delay for mining a rock so that the script waits 2-3 more seconds ?
  5. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    done refresh scripts and good luck ;)
  6. Let me know if there are any bugs with draynor, it should be all good after the last update ^^ As for guards, I will make the bot avoid npcs without a combat level or without an attack option, and I will add the varrock castle (upstairs, floor 2/3) ones for deadman mode since it's a guarded zone, really good xp too As for cannon, it is next in the list, the todo list: - rocks/sands - cannon mode - catacombs of kourend (zeah dungeon) should be coded by today, update coming up. thanks everyone for support
  7. Hmm, guards, mirror-client? If so, restart entire osbot and mirror-client, if not, I will do some bug testing at varrock guards and add a fix asap As for banking + hp, I will add some changes, update coming up As for npc id, if it's for safespotting, I think I may be able to add a system where the bot will only attack the npcs which wont make the character move (only npcs technically in range and in reach), but still I do plan on expanding on the npc chooser setup window so I will most likely add npc ids in the near future. As for levelling tasks, I will add an update to make sure bot stops at level thanks for script feedback everyone, really appreciate. many updates coming up ^^
  8. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    New update! Version v1.08 - Added banking override, pickpocketing is now possible without enabling banking - Script now launches MUCH faster, performance increased -- Startup time went from 1500ms to 100ms at max good luck all, update should be live within a few hours or so just waiting on admins
  9. refresh scripts gl on trial ;)
  10. Czar


    thanks guys, gl on trials activated all ;)
  11. The webwalker seems messed up, I will post some changes to it since the walker plays a huge role in the script. But have you tried all walking options, out of 4 options one should at least work ^^ But regardless, the walker should be much better in this new version (v0.33)
  12. Guys, the latest update has now been posted (version 1.01) EDIT: This update is now live! As of a few minutes ago - Stronghold fixed, including all doors and npcs - Both wildy green dragons added (still need anti-pk and looting bag tho) - Bot will not tele if above 20 or 30 wildy, it will run south until teleporting is possible - Fixed nearest bank, and preferred bank options, they now work flawlessly - Added draynor sewers to the map system - Fixed OSBot data folder for some users which have different operating systems etc. Next update will have some nice features: (today or tomorrow v1.02) - Rock/sand crabs - A button at the top of the setup window called ('Quick-start my last setup') which will load the last setup instantly, without searching for the profile etc. - Maybe the new zeah dungeon support (Catacombs of Kourend) - Any other suggestions which are mentioned thanks guys, and good luck. Can't wait until this update is live ^^
  13. sand/rocks are still not added, i'm just finishing green dragons real quick then I'll convert the rock crab + sand crab script and improve (if necessary) to prepare for the auto fighter bot , dw both npcs will be added very soon ^^
  14. Hmm draynor sewers area isn't supported yet, but I will add the entire area to the walking system asap ^^ As for stronghold, fixed, update coming up. The walking system is perfected in this version, taken straight from the stronghold script itself Latest version is now: v0.101, will edit this post again with the full list of changes thanks for bug reports guys , as for trial, refresh again I re-activated gl
  15. I gave the trial, refresh scripts ^^
  16. sand crab script isn't on the market yet as for trials, gl everybody, sorry if i wasn't online fast enough to give trials Let me know if there are bugs in the fighter bot, it's still a new script which means i can always change settings/add new features so it's all good ^^
  17. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    trial activated, good luck ;)
  18. done gl on trials guys as for green drags, both wildy locations are supported, I only need to add a system for teleing if the bot is above 20 wildy and then east mode will work with teles. The bot will just run south until the wildy level is 20 or under ^^
  19. The script is not programmed to click the ladders continuously, are you sure you are using this script and not the other stronghold script?
  20. Guys, almost finished with dragon support, after this it will be rock/sand crabs then it's all good
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