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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Guthans needs to be setup properly - make sure to start the script with non-guthans and keep guthans in inventory, POH portals are not supported right now, but will definitely be added in the upcoming versions, as for looting, will test and add an update ASAP if I find any errors, it's working perfectly fine.. which loot-items? As for trials, activated all trials good luck everyone
  2. The latest update should be released today within a few hours I believe , apologies everyone
  3. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Hmm was the target npc set manually after the break? In any case, I will test with breaks enabled this time, and add a quick update - should be flawless after this version ^^
  4. Hmm will add another update to stun-alching, there will be a custom input for setting delays so everybody wins ^^ Update v91 coming up
  5. Make sure the coins are in inventory otherwise the script may not detect coins and it will stop the script as a safety measure ^^ Otherwise a client restart always solves it (the client must not have detected the coins in inventory) EDIT: Guys, should I add an option for 'fast mode', right now I made the script slower so that it is more humanlike = better anti-ban ^^ , the more human errors/mistakes there are the better (in terms of anti-ban)
  6. Well the script is riddled with anti-fails and anti-idle systems, so the script doesn't bug out. As for questing, I recently added a few updates so the questing should be much better too Activated all trials good luck everyone Also guys, here is a quick proggy, no staminas, no bucket of water, (so less profit): update (v44) with new questing update and steel + coal bag update should be live any moment soon in the meantime the script is doing very well ^^
  7. For edgeville, try a different walk-setting (on script initial settings) in the meantime until an update is added ^^ it should work, there's 3 extra options As for stronghold, the script already supports stronghold, are there any errors? I will test stronghold right now to make sure it works As for the latest version it should be online within a few hours max, there were many updates edit : update v150 will be coded today, will edit this with new upcoming features ^^
  8. Any errors if the script is freezing? The script is working perfectly for me, I can always revert the script back to the version before the mining sector chooser ^^
  9. New update (v38): - No longer opens magic tab when banking trip As for attacking npcs, it seems to be working flawlessly, how did you make the error happen?
  10. Hmm potions seem to be working, which potions? Tested super attack/strength and combat potions ^^ Also guys, latest version should be up within a few hours, had to fix some compiling errors ^^ Everything is all good now
  11. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    I will add an informative section in the main thread, apologies everyone ^^ But here is a general, simplified explanation for the script initial settings: - Ready-click mode is a system where the script will try to right click the next obstacle while traversing the current obstacle, to make the script operate faster (and ultimately increase experience/hr) - Anti-pattern mode is a system which replaces anti-ban system - Task mode will make the script go to the highest level agility rooftop possible, so when e.g. level 90 is reached, the script will stop the current rooftop and go to the ardougne rooftops ^^ Activated all 24 hr trials good luck everyone
  12. New latest version: (v44) - Coal bag with steel bars mode now withdraws both iron and stores coal in coal bag in a single trip - Added a few questing bugfixes update will be live within 24 hours ^^
  13. Added a fix, latest update should be live within a few hours max, banking is fixed
  14. Oops, changed the setup interface, it will say level 70 instead of 60 for the intermediate boat Paint font is also fixed, should be live in newest version. As for doors, will convert some code from my other scripts to support door handling, should be fixed in the latest version too. Llatest update will be version v8 now
  15. New update (v148) - Added an update for b2p, all bones are now supported including big bones - Added a few extra anti-ban/anti-pattern options, fixed some too - Added right-click mode, converted straight from the rock crabs script - Added 'Stay in my fightzone only' and 'Only loot in fightzone' options - Added an improvement to safespotting target system, should be much better - Added 'modes' for goal-based levelling system, you can now level them in order, or lowest first, etc etc. Suggestions are also welcome - Added an update for falador wall obstacle (EDIT) update will be live within 24 hours ^^ Hopefully I didn't miss anything As for karamja support, how do you mean? Like fighting npcs in karamja, because that's already supported EDIT: Also forgot to mention paint is fixed, the font broke again So the new version has an updated font
  16. Added a quick update (v67), will be live within 24 hours max Also activated trials, good luck everyone ;)
  17. Activated trials and extended trials to 100 hours, and added a new update: - Gangplank is now double clicked for faster entry - Added a few new paint items - Added alching while waiting - Added a breaks system failsafe - if your next break is within a few minutes, the script will log out before starting a game to avoid colliding with break system update will be live within 24 hours
  18. Guys, just added ZMI to the script, it will be in the newest version of the script (v43)
  19. Well I added extra delays because some users were complaining, but I guess I will just add a slider or a text box to input the number of seconds to wait, so everybody wins ^^ Next update coming up Activated trials, good luck guys ;)
  20. Added a quick update (v42) - Added a fix for all teleport tabs and amulet of glory (POH mode) update will be live within 24 hours
  21. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Update v127 added, for pickpocketing/sticky npc mode. This will be the official replacement for save-npc mode in the coming versions hopefully ^^ thanks for the positive feedback and support everyone, I really appreciate it
  22. Well I think I can add smart bolt switching, since there is a similar system for special attack weapons already implemented and can be easily converted Next update coming up very soon Hopefully the system can be perfected ^^ EDIT: Guys, here's a quick proggy trying to make bond money almost 200k cash from just cows
  23. Added a new update (v42) - Added coal bag support for steel bars - Added a few optimizations for the script, now runs faster - Added a few updates for questing stages update will be live within 24 hours max, good luck everyone Happy botting EDIT: Quick proggy: Next update will be an efficiency update for banking to make it even faster, and add a delay upon opening bank for faster withdrawing/depositing
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