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Everything posted by Czar

  1. There was recently an osrs update for cosmic runes, a new version of the script coming up ^^ edit: Latest version of the script is now: v50, the update will be posted ASAP. Update will be live automatically in less than 24 hours, just waiting on the update to be registered Paint will say v50.0 when the script is successfully updated. Changes: - Added an improvement to walking system - Added an update for cosmic altar good luck everyone ;)
  2. Hmm that is the best case scenario I could think of instead of taking breaks in a combat zone, the script will wait a few minutes for breaks to start, commence breaking, then proceed. Guys should I just make the script logout if the breaks are almost triggering? EDIT: or should I make the script stand near the actual bank booth? As for trials, activated good luck ;)
  3. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Just fixed seed stalls, should be added with the new version of the script (v144) automatically, apologies everyone Update will be live in less than 24 hours EDIT: All other stalls should be working in the meantime, just waiting on update to be available and the seed stall will be back to normal
  4. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Which thieving option? Baker stall? Because I just added an update for baker stall it should be working in the next version But the script should not be calculating, hmm check if breaks are set to less than 5
  5. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Make sure to start the script while already logged in, it should work
  6. Activated all trials good luck everyone ;) As for memory usage, try the second walking option it should enable OSBot's default webwalker which I assume uses much less memory - although results may vary; the script may operate differently, good luck ;)
  7. Will be adding another update for wildy rune rocks, update coming up As for trial, activated trial good luck
  8. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Changing scripts isn't possible but I will activate a 100 hour trial for the warrior script until baker stall update is added to the script good luck New update (v144) - Bakers' stall fixed - Added food eating while running away from combat - Added 10 coin chest - Added an update for alching at nature rune chest, the script will not require extra runes to start now update will be live in less than 24 hours good luck everyone
  9. No worries unlucky about ban As for trial, activated trial good luck
  10. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Hmm I made the script stop if the client doesn't detect nature runes or the item to alch, if both items are in inventory and the client doesn't detect, can you try a client restart?
  11. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    For which option does the script not eat/run away/bank? Stalls, chests, pickpocketing? I will test the same option and fix any bugs Also which option doesn't the script grab food anymore? Will test too EDIT: Guys, if there are any bugs please post a bug report and there will be a script update ASAP, e.g. which script setup, which options enabled, what is the bug, how to make the bug happen. This will speed up bugfixing by so much. I will be testing the most popular options in the meantime Also guys don't forget that the Eat HP option is not percent, but is the actual HP value to eat food at
  12. Added another update, latest script version is now v42 - Re-added walking options list upon script startup - Added a few changes to the door system - Fixed a few misc. bugs - Script doesn't get stuck anymore update will be live in less than 24 hours
  13. Hmm I don't understand? Is there an error/bug? Have you tried both options in the startup interface? As for trials activated good luck everyone ;)
  14. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    I will debug canifis rooftops and add an update ASAP. For dismissing randoms, don't forget to enable the option in client settings Also make sure you have followed the setup instructions for the script for optimal results EDIT: Added an update for the script, latest version is now v141 Update will be live in less than 24 hours EDIT 2: guys, if using the VIP client and if the client does not detect marks of grace or even the obstacles, this is an easy fix (it actually affects all scripts) just restart the client and make sure to hook the client while logged out - this will 100% fix it. Here's a quick proggy while testing the canifis rooftops: edit: just got 50 agility, restarted client and now using VIP client:
  15. Ah unlucky It must've been a delay ban from prior botting 2 hours is far too quick for getting banned unless there were previous botting involved For more information on how to reduce botting bans check out the guides section: http://osbot.org/forum/forum/34-guides/
  16. For all users regarding the sand crabs feature, can you try the script again? The latest update is now live (v158.5) which was an update for sand crabs since they moved the tiles
  17. The noted bank method is actually faster, may add this feature in the upcoming versions As for GE mode, I will test again to make sure everything is okay with GE resupplying system
  18. VIP client is for VIP users only, you are not VIP which means you are telling lies. Also, it is impossible to be banned in 20 minutes unless many free scripts were used prior (thereby resulting in a delayed ban from free scripts)
  19. Added a quick update - bird nest crushing is now supported Latest version is now: v64 Update will be live within a few hours automatically
  20. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Activated all trials good luck guys EDIT: Guys I am in the process of writing a new "engine" for the script in the coming versions, there should be a lot of new updates very soon
  21. Ah apologies everyone, I forgot to mention the GE mode doesn't support gold bars or any bars that do not require coal I can make some changes to the script though Also guys, the latest update (v49) should be live any moment now As for selling bars for 1gp, don't worry, the selling price won't actually result in being 1gp, since GE automatically sells at the highest offer, it would be quite silly to sell for 1gp since it will always be at a loss and never profit ^^ EDIT: I may add an interface to set the selling and buying price of ores though
  22. Try the second walking option in the initial setup interface, it works better for some fishing options (especially zeah, fishing guild, and shilo) I will run another test to make sure everything is okay and add a new update if necessary As for the anti-ban of the script, I understand that you may have gotten a botting ban but don't forget, the script isn't completely responsible, it's split between the script, the client and the user. There are countless factors involved, and botting really needs to be strategised nowadays I will add more focus to the anti-ban of the script in the upcoming versions, although the OSBot client already has unique walking tiles, unique mouse clicks, breaks system, VIP client for even higher anti-ban (completely eliminates detection). I can add more anti-pattern options or "mistakes" e.g. clicking on the wrong fishing spot (which the script already does sometimes, but the setting can be increased) perhaps task mode can make the script more unique and reduce the ban-rate, etc. EDIT: For more guides on the best botting strategy and ultimately reducing botting bans: http://osbot.org/forum/forum/34-
  23. Guys, for higher performance try using the second option (webwalker), it allows the script to be run for longer. In the next version, it will be the default option. The result would be higher logs per hour too And as I've already said, map mode uses an extreme amount of memory, so I will most likely be removing that feature in the next update, to prevent further complaints Also guys, will add a quick update for selecting trees - in the next version the tree selection stage will be much easier and less annoying
  24. Hmm just tested, the script seems to be clicking doors perfectly fine, if using VIP client make sure to hook the client while logged out otherwise the entire client and script will be messed up. I will be testing the script again just to make sure there are no bugs, if there is a bug I will add an update ASAP As for deathwalk, the script will re-equip gear after dying and return to the stronghold to continue fighting Activated all trials good luck everyone EDIT: The script successfully traveled to the target fight tile However - I will add a quick update to add a slightly higher delay for clicking the doors though, latest version of the script will now be v41 after the new update
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