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Everything posted by Czar

  1. A quick follow up update coming very soon within a few hours. (Includes all user suggestions and script feedback/errors within the last page of this thread.) Ogres: hmm have you tried enabling a safespot? You can select a tile so that the script makes sure it stands on the tile. It's a temporary workaround though so I will add an update to make sure the script doesn't go to an unreachable tile randomly. As for cannon, it's fixed in v187 just waiting on update to be ready, should be automatically live within 24 hours Gdk: which inventory setup (which items), teleport method to bank and to fightzone? Tell me the exact setup options you enabled and I will test with same options, debug then add an update immediately. In the meantime I will just test with default food and test all teleport methods. ^^
  2. Yeh that error was from the delta walker obstacle finder, it's fixed in new version ^^ As for trials gl guys, re-activated too Let me know if there are any other error logs in v22, there shouldn't be any
  3. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Re-activated 24hr trial, should work starting from now ^^ gl guys
  4. Will add some updates to ZMI, right now I still need to add rune pouch support and repair pouch support. As for medium/large pouch combination, I will add a quick update for that before I start on the new zmi features. Update coming up ^^ As for staminas, what's the error in console log (if any)? They seem to be working well
  5. Guys, the pest control rewards system is fixed in the new update (v21) just waiting on update. Also, as for delta walker, I have added a failsafe for it so there shouldn't be any more error logs if the target obstacle is not found. As for advantages for premium scripts over free scripts, they have more emphasis on anti-ban, quality, finetuning than free scripts. Free scripts (>90%) of them have scripters which don't care about the scripts and most likely made the script in order to be able to release premium scripts on here (making a free script = requirement to making a premium script on osbot). Not to mention they have thousands of users which help 'profiling' on botting behavior Activated all trials So, to re-iterate: there's a new update (v22) with two new features: - Flawless pest control rewards system, with anti-ban mouse scrolling (humanlike) as opposed to clicking the arrow down (other scripts may still be doing this!) - Patch for walking system to always find the correct obstacle (delta walker system) this update will be live within a few hours automatically, just waiting on the update to be processed. The script will say v22.0 at the paint, when update is complete ^^
  6. The plugins are at the file menu at the top of the interface, File, Plugins then there's a dropdown menu which shows the bonus free plugins New Update (v187) - Fixed prayer condition for recharging prayer at altar (Brutal black dragon plugin) - Fixed another prayer issue (Brutal black dragon plugin) - Updated core anti-pk logic for green dragons plugin from the standalone GDK script. -- Added run from combat, teleport when attacked by player too - Added a fix for stronghold, including walker options. Note: OSBot's webwalker (all options except walker 1 doesn't support stronghold) - Added ensouled heads for all npcs - Added cannon standing tile selector - Added an update for breaks tile for both crabs plugin - you can now choose where to break, instead of the script just going to the bank when breaking. - Added an option for hopping worlds if another player stands near your NPC (rock crabs, sand crabs) - Added an update for looting items, a few misc. failsafes and logic checks too - Added cannon refill chooser (choose when to refill cannon, cannonball frequency) - Finally fixed cannon repairing, added a few setup instructions to make sure both the script and the user doesn't make it fail - Fixed special attacks when ranging (script will only equip whichever special attack weapon you set now, it should prevent any misc. errors) update will be live within 24 hours good luck everyone Btw the new setup interface has changed in this update, let me know if it is the style which is better than the old setup interface. I really really hope I didn't forget anything, this is all from the previous pages of this thread. Lemme know if I forgot anything ASAP. ^^
  7. Hmm using proxies? If so, it may be due to that. If not, I will add a failsafe so the script continues after failing to load the fonts
  8. Done activated trial gl Sand crabs, maybe if the developers allow it
  9. Done activated trial gl yep stronghold is in f2p too
  10. Activated trials gl guys yep there is currently a new update coming for the exchange tickets mode, it's working flawlessly in the new update (soon to be: v22) within 24 hours hopefully ^^ stay tuned guys
  11. Oops fixed, next update's prayer condition for brutal black dragons: recharge prayer if prayer level is less than 75% full, or should I just make it if prayer is not 100% full? The former is for anti-ban the latter is for perfection
  12. For brutal black dragons there is a ready made plugin, I will activate a trial For mac, I think there is a way to use the Fn hotkeys, to setup a fightzone you gotta hit F6 to bring up the tile selector. If there is a problem with the F key for mac I will immediately add support for it in the upcoming update ^^ confirm if the hotkey is working please For the link to buy the script: https://osbot.org/forum/store/cart/?added=644 For nechyraels and slayer, yep it is in the planned features for this script, I will retest looting for gargoyles though As for afk, hmm I will most likely add some more customization options too, stay tuned guys Update coming up within a few hours
  13. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Hmm I can add 1 tick pickpocketing I guess, I just need to perfect the timing, I didn't even know it's possible to do 2 pickpockets in 1 tick lol ^^ Activated trials gl guys
  14. Hmm which walk setting? Have you tried enabling the 2nd option, some woodcutting locations are more complex, I will run some tests ASAP ^^ Try the 2nd walking option in the meantime, or the next one - it should work better
  15. Added dragon sword spec, currently working on an all-new UI for the script, including saving/loading system just like my fighter script and no-food option, etc. etc.
  16. Scripters can't control the actual speed of the mouse, but we can control how fast to do actions, is that what you mean? E.g. cleaning herbs faster by using less delays?
  17. Done, pushed the new update yesterday for v51 of the script - the script now knows how to return to blast furnace minigame after GE update should be live in less than 24 hours
  18. This script is a lifetime script, so forever, no monthly payments or anything ^^ As for equipping blowpipe, hmm did you enable specs? The script most likely thinks it's the spec weapon, I will add a quick update to fix it ^^ As for green dragon and anti-PK, I haven't forgot about this, I am currently preparing an advanced anti-pk system, I will add a core anti-pk system for the time being though, e.g. combat evasion/teleporting and skull evasion (optional). Update coming up ^^ As for mouse moving outside and the edge/spazz/mouse teleport, don't worry it's just a visual effect, I've already had a few users point this out on my other scripts because they were also worried but it's nothing, just a paint calculation regarding the mouse coordinates, once it reaches less than 0,0 the paint code will get confused and it draws the line away from the actual mouse (since the mouse disappeared). It has 0 effect on anything, purely visual, rest assured ^^ Will add ensouled npc heads to the profit calculator ASAP. As for npc and mouse chasing the npc to click, unfortunately this is client Although some reputable scripters/developers in the botting world have said that the botting detection system doesn't take into account mouse movements, only clicks. According to them, mouse movements are not technically sent back to the server, only mouse clicks. (Don't quote me on this!) If you are worried about anti-ban, this may also be useful https://osbot.org/forum/topic/45618-preventing-rs-botting-bans As for the other points regarding stronghold and/or walking, will debug entire stronghold plugin ASAP - stay tuned for the upcoming version. For better client performance try the new dev build client, there's been some improvements there since some users are experiencing lag (other scripts too) and others have noticed improvements As for brutal black dragons, yes they are supported. I recently added an update for those though, should be live in 186 of the script very soon (less than 24 hours). It was an update in response to user feedback/suggestions ^^
  19. New Update (v21) - Added a quick update for rewards exchange system - Added 'keep prayer on always' option upon activating prayer mode update will be live in less than 24 hours, good luck everyone ^^ thanks for script feedback and happy botting Will be working on progressive mode for the upcoming versions, stay tuned guys ^^ Forgot to mention, added to main thread:
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