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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Yeh food should be there just so the script doesn't think it's in danger, that's all. I can easily add a toggle option to remove that feature in the next update ^^ As for re-potting, when there is a 4 level difference the script will re-pot
  2. Yep script supports dwarven mine ^^ As for shift click dropping, use the dev build client for it, and make sure shift click is enabled and it should work ^^
  3. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Done, activated trials. As for contact, czarscripting good luck guys ^^
  4. Hmm did a client restart solve it? Also which walking option was enabled, second one for higher performance but less stability. It should work perfectly I just tested before pushing the latest script update lemme know if client restart solves it ^^
  5. New Update (v76) - Added a quick update for avoid other rocks mode update will be live in less than 24 hours My next coding task is 81 ore mode, stay tuned guys ^^
  6. Will speed up ZMI banking in the upcoming update, including astral banking too. As for magic imbue, it depends which anti-ban option you select it can make the script click it twice but I will be making some changes ^^ As for master/workers, yes just set any name (anything random) in the worker name box, make sure not to leave it empty/blank otherwise it will switch off master/worker mode. So just type in AAAAAA or something ^^
  7. Will add a bank placeholder option, since the client technically thinks there's still items left I highly recommend turning placeholders off while using any scripts with the OSBot client, but update coming up ^^
  8. New Update (v185) - Brutal black dragons world hopping finally perfected (apologies guys, it took 2 updates ) - Added another update for cannon repairing, sometimes the cannon would break (apologies guys, the cannon never broke for me so I didn't know what the cannon object name/options would turn into) - Added wait timer before hopping, for plugins too - script will either wait until out of combat or run when target (aggressive) is full hp. - Added 'go to bank before stopping script' in stop conditions tab Update will be live within 24 hours good luck guys ^^ Last update (v184) is now live, don't forget that GDK plugin doesn't have the prayer flick bug anymore ^^ Can finally focus on finishing the anti-pk code for the 100M GDK competition
  9. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Hmm that's weird, it may have been a delay ban from previous botting history They do that sometimes to trick botters into not knowing what caused the ban (very clever on their part). Although there's no way to tell for sure. Some users are lucky others are not, plenty of 99s and 50 hr+ proggies have been achieved. EDIT: Check out this thread for more tips on preventing botting bans:
  10. Done activated all trials good luck everyone Also guys, just posted a new update for glory runite mining plugin, new change: bank trigger now working. All that's left is to add a new route and the plugin should work much much better Latest version is now: v104.
  11. It will re-equip arrows after some time, usually when there's either low equipped ammo or just any random arrow amount over 50 at some point in time. I can easily add an option to re-equip arrows every time they are looted? Btw guys, stop conditions have been added for the rock/sand crab plugins too (just in case anyone is wondering). Also, I just added another quick update on top of the last version: added 'stop if haven't earned slayer xp' failsafe option
  12. Make sure the desired ammo is equipped before the script is started, then enable ranging mode option and enable the loot my arrows option ^^
  13. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Done activated all trials good luck guys ^^
  14. Oh noooo, prayer flick mode command is set to automatically toggle on when the GDK is launched so it skips the choice completely and auto-enables it. Will be disabled for the next version right now. Should be included in the pending update or .5 of the pending update (so ultimately 183.5) maybe. I will edit this post/announce when the update goes live ^^ Activated trial gl
  15. The script is trying to get food, make sure any food is set (even if food isn't necessary) because the script's safety system (health/food) will trigger. Set a few lobsters in the inventory loadout and it should work perfectly. Combat potions are supported too
  16. 81 ore mode option is still experimental feature I don't recommend for long usage, I will add a warning info on the setup interface asap. As for avoid others and going to upper floor and returning (loop), will be fixed by next version. Will also be working on adding some extra fail safes for 81 ore mode and eventually make it out of experimental status Activated trials, gl guys
  17. Yeh the new walking option should be auto-enabled in the next version since it's much better than the default one. As for doors closing mid-route, hmm I can add an option for that too but it may increase memory usage, hopefully not by too much ^^ Just coding this and then today's update is fully complete.
  18. Yes GE is currently working Added all 24hr trials gl everyone
  19. No you don't need a bug report if the bug is explained/really simple, e.g. stop conditions not working properly with 'goal stats' option, and yes it's finally fixed in the last version update ^^ All stop conditions have been re-coded and are functional, for all stop condition options. Update should go live today As for GDK + prayer, are you sure it's green dragons and not brutal black dragons plugin? Green dragons don't support prayer yet EDIT: Activated all trials gl guys
  20. Thank you for the positive message and feedback Really appreciate it I have been coding a few private scripts here and there but I am planning on officially starting, and making a thread about it too ^^
  21. Done activated all trials good luck guys As for 81 ore mode with 2 inventory spaces (hammer + pickaxe), still not yet, but it's coming soon It's somewhat complex because there's gems involved too which wastes inventory space and messes up the counter, but I am working on the feature, can't make any promises though
  22. Done activated trials gl guys
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