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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Just monitor your scripts.. My script was getting my acc banned in tutorial island rofl, until I tweaked it, made it a bit slower until it was fine. I lasted from ~10 mins after tutorial island to 10 hours after tutorial island. Before, my script had no timers and would just spam click rofl, now it has a few long pauses and its going well. My IP is flagged into oblivion and I still have accounts that havent been banned yet. Also, when making a character don't design him like that green bot guy, idk once I changed it, I got banned less, maybe its just me but oh well. EDIT: I mean monitor what happens in your script, not monitor your bot.. Like, which stage do you get banned, rewind a few minutes and try solve it
  2. Hello, I recently ran into an a binary problem, I want to know how 'decode' this number (it is the quest config id of Demon slayer quest (config 222) and it is 54304 (i got the id once i found out the incantation. The id says 54305 because its 54304 + 1, the +1 means that I proceeded onto the next quest stage. So can anybody help me with this? What does 54304 mean, i opened config debugger: I still haven't learned about binary etc, which is why I'm stuck. Atm the only thing I'm doing is storing the incantation in a file once the dialogue shows it, nothing else. I can't finish this quest without it, so please help Thanks!
  3. Good job on the release. Is there any way you could check out banking in the client: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/61163-banking-issue/ EDIT: I can fix it for my script but its better if its a client fix
  4. Thanks very much for replying, I'll look into it now
  5. Hello, Has anybody encountered an issue when banking where the mouse will hover around the top left of the bank (near the tabs), if so, can they please tell me how they fixed it, it really is a script breaker. And I have noticed it only occurs when I take out multiple items from bank. No it is not my code, I checked. When I close the bank and re-open, it works fine, maybe its because of the item slots in bank?
  6. Ahhh that's how. Thanks so much man!
  7. Hello, I've noticed that auto-typing is veryyy slow, which is a problem because it is affecting the productivity of my script. This was never a problem until recently. I have tried the following code: // client.typeString(message); for (int i = 0; i < message.length(); i++) { client.typeKey(message.charAt(i), 0, 0, false); } client.typeKey(' ', 0, 0, true); As you can see I have tried the typical 'typeString' method but it's slow, so I thought the manual key would be faster, which isn't. I don't see any other alternatives. Anybody care to help? Thanks!
  8. Same script different account ftw
  9. Czar


    It should be up on SDN now. so far so good in terms of testing also edit2: shield method of getting defenders = 600~ tokens/hr + 5k defxp/hr, not bad
  10. Czar


    Can I accept RSGP? Because I'm too young to accept cash payment.
  11. Man, when I found out about AoE I played it for hours. Now that you've told me about The Settlers I think I wanna try it out.
  12. Czar


    I completely understand. Who can I show it to?
  13. Czar


    Do I have to release my source code?
  14. Czar


    Thanks. How can I get people to test my script?
  15. Czar


    Which other way would be best? EDIT: Added some failsafes associated with tokens.
  16. Czar


    Do you guys really need buying food from shops? Or is food from your bank just fine, because it is really a hassle with this API.
  17. Czar


    Thanks. Things seem to be going smoothly, just about to add support for buying food nearby.
  18. Czar


    Just about to begin testing in a moment, gotta get the stuff ready :p
  19. CzarWarriorGuild v1.3 Main features: - Banking added - Animator support for all armours - Goes upstairs to kill Cyclops once reaches certain amount of tokens - Systematically upgrades defenders after each one, up to rune. Small features: - Full dialogue support - Bank Item searching support To-do: - Failsafe animated armour attacking (finding out which npc is yours) - Potion support - Buying food/pots from shops - Other methods of getting tokens (is this necessary?) - Bone burying - Anti-ban of some sort This script so far is untested. The entire code is written and its all ready for debugging. I will begin code optimization once the code has been tested. Please post some comments and suggestions below!
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