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Everything posted by Czar

  1. VIP is only needed if you wanna have multiple botting tabs, you can use the script without VIP for no limits. The only difference between vip and regular user is that: regular user: 2 botting tabs limit, no time limit vip user: unlimited botting tabs, no time limit As for trials, activated all gl guys the latest update is now live, let me know if you guys have any ideas/suggestions/tweaks to be made for the next upcoming version ^^
  2. Next round of script tweaks coming very shortly, stay tuned guys, keep the suggestions/feedback coming ^^
  3. Set some food even if you don't need any (1 or 2 lobsters is fine), the script's safety system will trigger and it will try to go to bank to get food I will add an option for no-food to override the safety system in the upcoming version ^^ edit: the script will stop if there's no food and is low health just to be clear
  4. Hmm that's weird, but don't forget that preventing bans also depends on the botter not just the script, check out the developer's guide on preventing bans: The script pretty much takes care of its anti-ban, now it's up to your botting strategy, there are plenty of users who have gotten 99 fishing I am sure that this guide is useful, good luck hopefully no botting bans ^^
  5. Guys, enable walker 2 in the meantime, it has reduced lag temporarily just make sure not to restart the script too often because each time the script loads more memory gets used, so in the first script run it is the most efficient. Also I may add a low-lag paint option because some paint is better than no paint (if hiding paint due to resources/lag) As for webwalking error for willows, I will contact the devs about it, for now use the second walking option it seems to work better ^^ EDIT: so webwalker 1 and 2 didn't work but 3 did? or just 1 didn't work and 2 and 3 did? EDIT2: Guys, if possible, try using the latest dev client which was added today, it supposedly is better for memory according to user feedback
  6. New Update (v69 + v70) - RoD worker mode fixed (v69, was coded yesterday) - ZMI banking speed increase by 400% - Astral (moonclan method) healing at bank supported now (v70, was coded just now, was waiting for which food healing to add) update will be live within a few hours max, gl everyone ^^
  7. Hmm well the script's antiban is already taken care of, the rest applies to the botter and how well their strategy of botting is, check out the developer's thread on preventing bans:
  8. Will definitely add an update for brutal black dragons plugin for prayer, it definitely needs prayer recharging support at altar. Also, the update for world-hopping is now live ^^ Update coming up for the prayer Hmm if you selected the evenly option and the keep stats within [level] option, it should be training the lowest skill to the nearest [level] multiplier, so if you have 50 43 32 and you set the target to 50 50 50, the script will: - train defence until 35 - train defence 40 (continued) - now the stats are 50 43 40, the next one to train will be strength because strength and defence are similar - then go to strength and raise that to 45 - then defence to 45 - then strength to 50 - finally defence to 50 I have a feeling that doesn't make sense (hopefully it does!) but the basic structure is: raise the lowest level up to par with the next-lowest level, then start training them in pairs. The focus of that option is a balanced goal set. Although if you have any suggestions or any other ways of levelling goals then, I can easily add it to the script As for script randomly stopping sometimes, any error logs? I need to make the bug happen and debug it, which exact setup options enabled? As for GDK, yes I have added a few updates to GDK but it's still experimental I am working on a competition for 100m (and 50m and 25m) based on the idea: osbot users try and kill the anti-pk system of the script, and win rewards, hopefully everything works out ^^ As for cannon, hopefully it's much better in this update I haven't had the cannon break for me yet so it took 2 updates Let me know if there are any tweaks/efficiency changes to be made. I made the script hit 'Repair' option as soon as it appears, every 1,000 milliseconds the script will check if it's starting to break Activated all trials good luck everyone
  9. Czar


    New update (v47) - Added setup interface for the script - Esc mode and normal mode is now toggleable and overrides the setting detection - Added a few anti-ban and anti-pattern options thanks to user feedback -- Added non-spamclick mode (script will click target, right click and then confirm the click once the interface pops up) -- Added an update for the clicking system with more focus on anti-pattern as opposed to accuracy (optional) -- Various misc. changes to how the script functions, went through the entire script code and made changes were I deemed helpful - Store buying is now toggleable, instead of making sure the script starts with the store open to buy rune arrows - Removed useless paint lines That is the list of changes, most are coded but a few remain (mainly the store feature, this is the entire TO-DO list for the script), will be posting the update within an hour, so after it's posted the update will be live in less than 24 hours ^^ if you are waiting to use the script, don't hold off on using the script because it makes sense to switch up anti-ban options anyway so using both script versions are perfectly fine. Don't forget, the strongest anti-ban is how you bot instead of the actual script, although the script does play fairly large role. The script does have unique anti-pattern anyway so rest assured, but it wouldn't hurt to have extra anti-ban options ^^
  10. Oh right, I haven't tested with less than full inventory (24 essence) for ring of duelling mode, although I will definitely add support for it ASAP. Food support for astrals as in bringing food during the trip, or recharging at bank? Can easily add either. Update for ring of dueling + worker mode coming up ASAP. I hadn't anticipated different inventory layouts when designing the code. Will edit this post with new changelog today Will also be coding the food for astrals update, just confirm if food while on the trip or food healing at bank Activated trials gl guys, RoD + fire + master/worker mode combination may not work/unstable depending on layout temporarily but I am working on the update as of right now
  11. Which trial? Blast furnace? If so, make sure to enable the second walking option otherwise the script may lag more the first one is just for the minigame, second one for questing ^^ As for trials, activated gl everyone
  12. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    New Update (v151) - Blackjack map preview added to tile chooser - Added a failsafe for baker stalls, script will no longer switch stalls when there are multiple nearby - Finally added 'how many times to click blackjack' option, please tweak this sometimes 3, sometimes 4 clicks are ideal. Please allow up to 24 hours for the update to be processed ^^ good luck guys Obligatory Disclaimer: blackjack is a bonus feature and is experimental, however I am working on it
  13. What seems to be the problem, is the safespot mode attacking npcs too far away or something? Btw guys as for saving/loading setup interface settings, it's almost ready, I had to re-write the script structure to make it possible, converted a lot of code from the AIO fighter script since it already has a built engine for saving/loading
  14. Czar


    Expect an update today, just coding a new GUI for the setup window and pushing the latest changes ^^
  15. Done activated trials good luck guys ^^ New Update (v20) - Added mid-route door handling - Delta walker option is now enabled by default - Added a fail-safe for entering the boat and misclicking (this can easily turned into an anti-ban if you guys want) -> (human mistakes = less botting patterns) Please allow up to 24 hours for the update to be processed, will be live automatically. Good luck guys ^^
  16. Activated trials gl guys Fishing guild has extra anti-ban (anti-pattern) sometimes when fishing sharks the script would intentionally go to the wrong spot to be more human-like, it's the reason why there is more success in botting at fishing guild (many more proggies there, check the main thread). I can easily add an option to de-activate it but I highly advise against it. It's part of a 'universal' anti-ban which can't be patternized (human mistakes). Shift click dropping is supported, there is a new button on the setup interface now ^^ New Update (v93) - Added an update for fishing entities, script will not idle if the target fishing spot is not found anymore That will make sure the script never idles and spins the view (happened randomly) anymore ^^ update will be live within 24 hours gl everyone.
  17. Done activated trials good luck guys ^^
  18. Which setup options? Which pouches, energy potions, food? Will test with exact same options and debug, then add an update ASAP.
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