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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Hmm have you enabled shift click dropping in rs settings tab, if so, confirm and I will test script again and add a new update if necessary ^^
  2. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    New update (v152) - Bakers' stall is now set to east mode only Quick update, will be live within 24 hours gl guys ^^
  3. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Use the 'choose my tile' option, it will soon be the default option in the upcoming version(s)
  4. Hmm, make sure to type the item name correctly, which item? Will test, it should be working though Activated all trials gl guys ^^
  5. Ankous - Make sure to use the actual plugin if doing stronghold, or -- start the script at ankous -- otherwise the script may find the wrong npc (it found the wrong npc in your console log). Try stronghold plugin, if there is an error then try the suggestion: start script directly at the npc fightzone, then configure the script and start should work much better. As for stronghold pathing, I will revert the update I guess, I tested at south-east flesh-crawlers and it navigated through all the doors perfectly fine then I pushed the update Expect another update within the next hour or so. Apologies guys. Hopefully the pathing error is at least random as opposed to persistent. Also, stronghold plugin? As for GDK, hmm will run another test, glad the rest of the gdk plugin is working Another quick update coming, stay tuned guys Last update was a pretty big update (split into 4 sub-versions). Update v187.1 is the next target Changelog will be pasted here or added in a new post. Guys, after GDK is fully perfected -- NMZ, slayer and more suggestions are next on the list
  6. Yep script is currently working smooth
  7. No worries let me know if there are any problems with the first walker. The second one is OSBot's default system but it doesn't fully support all tiles in the game yet
  8. Ahh okay no problem, can you try first walking option now, in the meantime I will make the second walker compatible with fishing guild
  9. Hmm that's weird any error logs in console? If it messed up in the second walker then try the first walker, both have different effects. Give the client a restart and let me know if there's any errors in the console log. But if the script works for me it should work the same for everybody else Will test catherby again after fishing guild tests are done There is a pending update for more accurate fishing spot detection for v95 though, should be live today
  10. Restart VIP client and make sure to load the client while logged out, simple ^^ Also have you tried the second walking option? I'm testing fishing guild and it's working flawlessly right now
  11. Hmm using VIP client? If so make sure to hook client while logged out. EDIT: also, which walking option? Try the second one it works better
  12. Ah thank you for the clear bug report, expect a very fast update today, I really appreciate it (updates are much much faster with clear bug reports and clear instructions, that's why ) Signature/Highscores system is coming soon I still need to code some extra features e.g. 'OnKillTrigger', 'OnLootTrigger' etc etc to display how many npcs have been killed, to count which loot items, profit made. Then there will be leaderboards and eventually prizes once the entire system is flawless (ofc it will be optional to enable signatures)
  13. Not yet but I recently (~2 days ago) added a flawless version of cannoning on my fighter script which means I can easily convert it over, totally escaped my mind Stay tuned guys, cannon mode may be coming in the next version of the script
  14. Yep I added an update for that v95 fisher just waiting on update to go live, it's automatic, should be live within 24 hours ^^
  15. Update v72 coming up for ZMI ASAP, will edit this post with new changelog, should be fixed very soon, apologies guys
  16. Great What was the solution, so other mac users will know too ^^
  17. done activated trial. There is a pending update for task mode and javelins though, update should be live automatically within 24 hours
  18. For re-aggroing spiders, I added an option to choose your aggro tile using the F hotkeys, so the user can easily go to a tile (far away from spiders), set that tile as the run-to tile for when aggro is gone (using F key), then let the script continue. Once spiders aggro is gone, the script will run to that tile (and aggro will be refreshed) then the script will return back to npcs and continue ^^
  19. Ah unlucky Try different worlds if disconnecting too often, servers may be getting ddosed again Logging in/out shouldn't contribute to bans though, check out this thread:
  20. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    New update: fruit stalls fixed - script was auto enabling basket mode and the script went to bank to get more empty baskets latest version should be live automatically within 24 hrs. Apologies guys
  21. The delay isn't the same it just appears the same way (to the human eye), the code randomizes it each time, how do you think users keep getting 99 fletching ^^ As for mouse going to same place each time, also don't worry about that either, the OSBot client's mouse system has unique mouse clicks and mouse movements already installed too, so while the programmed destination (the inventory slot, or an inventory item, etc.) is the same the path of the mouse is always different. If you mean always clicking the same inventory slot, then confirm it and I can add a few options such as click a different inventory slot randomly or something for higher anti-ban As for task mode with shortbows -> javelins, quick patch coming, I thought it was with normal mode Update v40 coming up today
  22. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Which fruit stall? If it's not the fruit stall near sand crabs then you gotta use the 'Choose my thieving tile' option ^^ Lemme know how it works, otherwise confirm which option EDIT: also, did you make sure to hook client while logged out if using vip client, otherwise it can initialize wrong and mess up the entire client As for wait for stun, the option is to avoid waiting for stun and to continue clicking, or do you mean without the option enabled? Will re-test and add update ASAP EDIT: Seems to be working, the script stopped while it was stunned (+- random milliseconds at the end). Should I make the script wait longer, or keep the same (better for anti-ban to make human mistakes though). Will most likely add an option for both anyway
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