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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Script is still recovering from latest osrs update, it should be back to normal soon, it's client-side as opposed to script side, once equipment gets patched it should be all good ^^ Activated extended trial time to allow time for the update
  2. Script should be back to normal following the latest osrs update, there were a few complications. It should be running better now especially with the npc finder Plugins are at the top of the script setup interface, 'File', 'Plugins' at the top bar ^^ More coming soon Update v199 is ready for pushing, expect the update to go live within 24 hours, the paint will say v199.0 once it goes live automatically. Too many updates to mention, will edit this post with the full changelog when I get home As for moving mouse outside, hmm technically mouse movement doesn't play a role in the detection system, only clicks (mouse movements are logged but never actually sent back to the server whereas mouse clicks are always sent), but I added it as a contingency measure (in the future it may change) as well as peace of mind for users ^^ It's working in v199.
  3. Glad to hear this, good job ^^ As for splashing, activated trial good luck Select an npc name and attack the npc, the script will do the rest ^^
  4. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Yep the silk selling is under development there have been a few requests for that feature, apologies for the delay guys it shouldn't take too long ^^ As for optimizing the script, hmm did you select a custom tile or did you let the script decide the tile? Also would it be better if I added a system where you can choose where to run away from combat? Also should I make the script just pause/idle if the thieving action will cause the player to get caught thieving?
  5. Make sure not to drag the arrow but just click on the top left until the arrow and only click on the central tile of the room, also are you sure there are level 35 flesh crawlers there? Try not enabling any custom npcs and only selecting the tile on the map, without checking any of the npcs boxes, it will attack the flesh crawlers by default ^^ Confirm please. I will test again to make sure Glad to hear the script works, let me know if there are any other questions/bugs/suggestions and I will add it to the script. I will write a quick info for breaks because it is somewhat confusing and un-informative tbh, I should have made it more clear ^^
  6. How did the script crash? Any error logs? Just tested and a client restart seems to resolve it, started the script at experiments while logged in ^^
  7. @Ginkod stop being rude, it's not helping whatsoever; only making things worse. Nowhere on the main thread did I advertise the script supports guthans - again if you check the main thread there is NO mention of the word guthan, not even on the thread graphic. The option is only there because I'm trying to be nice and I want every user to enjoy the script and I want to listen to all user suggestions. Now that's over with, the issues do get fixed, there have been improvements since you first started complaining about guthans, it's just really difficult to test guthans without having guthans on my account to test with. I have to test with different conditions (different armor, different npcs, different script setup) that is why it's taking longer than usual. If you ever bothered to fill out a bug report template and signify your exact script setup so I can use the same setup, test, improve where possible, it will make everything faster. I tested on guards but I didn't test with a full inventory, noted - I will fix the full inventory issue with equipping guthans. As for equipping after losing 1hp from maximum, noted. Logger spamming equip guthans, will test for that, should be an easy fix. Stay tuned and try not to be rude ^^ @geoffrey456 Hmm if the script is crashing other people's crabs make sure to select the lowest aggression setting so the script will only attack your crabs and avoid other crabs, which setting did you enable? The default ones are fine, confirm please. Also which exact tile (screenshot) for stronghold flesh crawlers? @Takaii if the script is staying in bank doing nothing make sure to clear the bank loadout and only set the looting table to cowhide or w/e. Did you add any items to withdraw from the bank? Or did you leave it empty? It should be empty if you're not withdrawing anything, and the banking list should not include any looting items @guywithlsd wyvern support has improved although I still need to add the upper floor support, as for gargoyles almost there I'm 72 slayer right now, although I think I can code it without having the requirements at all since the functionality is the same as lower level slayer npcs such as the rockslugs. I will roll out a feature for this for v200 of the script today. @nogearplayer activating prayer with 0 points bug - should be fixed in upcoming version. @muffinrecon fight alongside cannon mode will be tested + fixed in the upcoming version, including bone looting during cannoning. I recently rewrote the entire cannoning, special attacks, looting, guthans, eating systems so I need to make some changes ASAP. As for combat potions being consumed too early, there should be a new panel on the misc tab in the upcoming version which lets you select the range of consuming potions Also the plugins for the fighter script are at the top of the interface ('File menu', 'Plugins', 'Help') ^^
  8. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    I'm all for adding alching because I want the script to stay ahead of the other agility scripts - I just don't know when to actually make the script start alching, it's always different, I'm thinking to make it alch while running if that's even possible? Or before moving to the next obstacle? I need some ideas Seers teleport is supported btw ^^ Gave you trial Activated all trials gl guys
  9. Latest update is now live, please try again guys ^^ Also don't forget to mention which settings you enabled in the script (screenshot the setup interface) so I can imitate the same options, test and add an update immediately
  10. Hmm which inventory loadout? It only supports the default loadout with no other items except dueling rings, essence, pouches, binding necklaces, earth talismans and imbue runes
  11. Are you using vip client? If so please reduce the reaction timer from 1000ms to perhaps 50-100ms (lowest) so that the client detects ore changes faster. If not using vip client ignore this message. I will see if there are more ways to detect ore changes even faster than currently As for mining guild expansion, coming soon - working on it for the upcoming update As for antipattern option it is already auto-enabled, although I can convert some code from the woodcutter and other scripts of mine I guess ^^ As for essence mining, bugfix coming up after testing, stay tuned
  12. Oops will fix al kharid incorrect bank message asap. Please select the option "nearest bank" until the update goes live As for mirror mode, yep just lower the mirror mode reaction time from 1000ms to perhaps 100-200ms using the shift + f hotkeys (it says on the top left of the client) ^^
  13. Hmm the script will go to bank if the client user breaks are about to trigger (less than 5 minutes away) confirm if you didn't enable breaks please! As for walking console logs with glory mode - will debug and add an update asap, can you also confirm which target fight tile is selected so that I can make sure the update actually resolved your issue. Update coming up ^^
  14. Hmm okay will add an update for dragonstone necklaces ASAP, stay tuned the update will be pushed today
  15. Banking update has been pushed, there is an increased delay for banking so that it will not keep opening bank repeatedly. Let me know if there are any other changes to be made for the next version ^^ Activated trials gl guys
  16. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Pushed keep-item update for banking, latest version is now v159. Stay tuned, the update will automatically go live today Activated trials gl guys
  17. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Hmm I made it eat food if there is food present in the inventory and if the player's health is less than 60-70%, I may add banking support for more food in the upcoming update though ^^ I am working on a few neat interaction tricks for canifis and falador, and a few other rooftops. As for agility pyramid I may consider adding this, seems like a good idea ^^
  18. I know man, I'm annoyed too, it's fixed in v26 we're just waiting for the update to go live ^^ Though we gotta respect the devs they do really hard work around here I'm certain the update will go live today automatically ^^
  19. 24 hours since the trial is activated, its not total script time. I can always re-activate more trial time if you need so, just say activated all trials good luck everyone
  20. Good ideas, will add those suggestions to the to-do list priority, thanks guys ^^
  21. Well, the only way the script can attack the wrong npc is either fightzone, incorrect npc name (highly unlikely) and retaliating to aggressive npcs which are not selected in the fight list. I thought it was the retaliating one, you should've made it clearer, I guess it's the fightzone one and I will be testing + adding an update asap. If it is the retaliating one I offered help (enabling an option in the misc tab), you don't need to be rude, my go-to response is there to eliminate user error before it goes into testing->coding ^^ Move cursor out of screen, hmm I thought you meant non-plugin, I will patch it for plugins I guess, update coming up For BBD plugin, I am just going to make a similar system to the global fighter script and let the user choose when to bank I guess, there's too many variables involved to let the script decide As for cannon, testing + update coming up Shayzien bank -> added in upcoming update GDK -> Will be re-enabled in the upcoming update, had to temporarily disable it for construction, it should only be offline until I post the new update today
  22. Well whatever npc name you type in the setup interface, it will kill - so if you input hellhound it will attack hellhounds. If you already did that and the script is fighting aberrant specters then the script is probably auto-retaliating to aggressive npcs, which means you haven't enabled the retaliate to correct-npc option in the misc tab. Please check out the script features! As for mac users, if you can please open the console log and try to save/load a profile, it will output an error log which can help me debug the issue and allow me to code mac saving support, I would really appreciate it ^^ Also guys, update v198 should be live, I am currently going through the current + last page of posts/ideas/suggestions/bugs for the upcoming v199 update, stay tuned
  23. Hmm the script is working, how is it a 100% loss rate? Update v26 should be live within 24 hours from now, apologies for delay! Let me know if there should be any changes for v27 ^^ Which mode are you using? I will make some improvements to the special attack system too
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