Got some really good suggestions and feedback, bug reports too. Breaks is getting another update, big overhaul.
Few updates for slayer coming, more looting changes, plugin updates, cannoning tweaks (only combo features e.g. cannoning and fighting, flicking etc) I still haven't experienced or heard/seen a bug with purely cannon mode, although I will be running more tests). Hopefully some mac updates before I push the main update too. Looting and safespotting are most likely getting their own tab (expanded looting tab and a standalone safespotting fight mode). Stay tuned guys. I have been doing under the hood changes mostly. Been going after the user requests and small bugs which have been present for a long time and have been ignored because they are too small/unimportant too.
Fighter guide and manual is in the final stages, I'm seeing a lot of repeated questions and mistaken bugs due to setup error. I know the script has a complex GUI and I need to make the gui more easy to use (user friendly).
the next main version update will have at least 1 feature which is suited to every single type of script user, I guarantee it, so no users are being left out with all the suggestions and bug reports.