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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Massive update coming up, stay tuned guys Almost ready
  2. Use AFK spot to stay in a single spot, also 'fully botted' mode stops the script from running from aggro, and instead brings a popup when it's time to run away Activated trials happy botting guys
  3. Latest update is now live, good luck guys happy botting Next update will be stamina update
  4. Update v59 will be out very soon, apologies for the delay. Stay tuned guys EDIT: Posted update v59. Update should automatically go live within 24 hours. Happy botting
  5. Czar


    Added a few proggies to main thread gallery gj guys Will make some tweaks after testing for esc mode. Should be improved Activated all trials gl guys
  6. Sorry about the last update guys, it didn't fully affect all netting locations. Just posted update v109 it is currently working flawlessly now. I just need to know what the option for monkfish is and I will add that to the script too for v110 immediately EDIT: Monkfish working flawessly in new update v109, no need for another update now Gl guys, update will automatically go live within 24 hours
  7. Hmm how will stun teleporting work, so you teleport near your npc spot and stun it after teleporting? Spin flax - yep it is supported, activated trial done gl guys For antiban, magic is a good skill for lower ban rate if doing bank spells, easily blend in
  8. Got some really good suggestions and feedback, bug reports too. Breaks is getting another update, big overhaul. Few updates for slayer coming, more looting changes, plugin updates, cannoning tweaks (only combo features e.g. cannoning and fighting, flicking etc) I still haven't experienced or heard/seen a bug with purely cannon mode, although I will be running more tests). Hopefully some mac updates before I push the main update too. Looting and safespotting are most likely getting their own tab (expanded looting tab and a standalone safespotting fight mode). Stay tuned guys. I have been doing under the hood changes mostly. Been going after the user requests and small bugs which have been present for a long time and have been ignored because they are too small/unimportant too. Fighter guide and manual is in the final stages, I'm seeing a lot of repeated questions and mistaken bugs due to setup error. I know the script has a complex GUI and I need to make the gui more easy to use (user friendly). the next main version update will have at least 1 feature which is suited to every single type of script user, I guarantee it, so no users are being left out with all the suggestions and bug reports.
  9. Activated trials gl guys Screenshot tile on range guild I will make some alterations ASAP
  10. Hmm I will try do save/load like the fighter script so it will save to text file and load from text file. Update coming up. Will have a patch down for the profit counter again, I need to re-write the formula again
  11. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Almost done with banking update for pickpocketing, stay tuned guys Activated trials in meantime
  12. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Just waiting until @Maldesto has free time to add the script back to store
  13. Will get an update down for Stamina potions down. Hmm did you keep amylase crystals in inventory before starting script? Activated all trials gl guys
  14. I just fixed shrimps, at all locations. Update should automatically go live soon
  15. Which script settings, did you enable glory mode? Also which exact fight spot? As for spiders, yep there is an aggro/afk option which is perfect for spiders. You gotta manually set the tile though, then the script will do the rest
  16. I am going to remove the option, mouse movements are not tracked by the osrs client so it makes no effect just pseudo after all
  17. Where is the script buggy? I will help with setup options or add a fix if necessary
  18. Another improvement update coming up Let me know if 'stop when out of runes' option is making the script not work. I am going through all spells. If you disable it, works much better. Stay tuned guys
  19. thanks for the feedback guys, really appreciate it. as for preventing botting bans, follow this guide: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/124429-preventing-rs-botting-bans-v2/
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