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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Will take a look now and post a new patch ASAP. EDIT: New Update (v93.0) - Fixed planner/schedule tasks for Potion -- No longer stuck on Attack potion, now works for all potions Update will automatically go live within a couple hours
  2. Code is being reviewed as we speak I'll auth you so you can access the bot in the meantime. Please bot responsibly ^^
  3. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Done enjoy Hopefully you get that sweet 99 + rocky pet xD
  4. Yes crypto for sure, would also cater to people in every country xD
  5. Happy to help If you notice anything else lmk I'll release a patch asap Got a gif of this earlier, here: Make sure there are no 0 numbers in the break profile Yep it does, with either humidify to re-fill skins or bandit store un-noting, authed you a trial enjoy!
  6. Done enjoy! Please bot responsibly
  7. Very good business strategy. As long as you bot responsibly you could generate a lot of nmz accounts and sell them for profit. Have you thought about other account setups like bf accounts or mlm accounts etc? Or zulrah ready accs?
  8. Happy to help Regarding burying bones, good idea. So for non-agressive npcs I'll make it complete combat before burying, and for aggressive npcs I'll add a way to make it walk to the breaks tile or safespot tile or something before burying bones. Atm it'd be difficult to auto-detect an area where the npc won't attack since there's no system for it Which area is this? If stronghold then I can make it go in between the doors ^^ Shortcuts yes, if you have the dusty key and no 70 agility it'll take the correct path etc. We've 3-4 webwalker options so if one doesn't detect then 3 definitely will since it's osbot's default webwalker and is being updated by the devs. Done enjoy!
  9. New Update (v23.0) - Loot arrows now working much better Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, just doing a final test run before push. Took a while to find out the root cause, finally fixed now you should see improvements Next feature is potting settings, and aggro settings among other features!
  10. Welcome back yep! More announcements coming
  11. Done, posted update v143.0, should automatically go live within 24 hours, quick preview: (vertical style shown above, there are 4 other styles enjoy!) ty for the heads up btw!
  12. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Congrats on VIP welcome to the club! Yes activated enjoy
  13. Done enjoy! Please bot responsibly
  14. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Done enjoy! Also guys just got the rocky pet while thieving at ardy knights I stopped script and scrolled up xD
  15. 631, the params are exportable from the menus, top left of the setup window Gl! If you run into any problems lmk I'm always happy to help
  16. Happy to help Lemme know if you run into any issues I'm coding the new version as we speak
  17. The boxes are a range, so 5-20 (top) and 5-20 (bottom), if you do 5-0 like in the pic it won't work. I've seen this happen before will let devs know to make it clearer or something I guess xD
  18. Done enjoy! Be sure to use breaks :)
  19. Almost coded Not yet but it's coming EDIT: We always wanted this feature but were worried about breaking any market rules and interfering with the cooking scripts, but I think there's no issue there anymore.
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