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Everything posted by Czar

  1. 631, the params are exportable from the menus, top left of the setup window Gl! If you run into any problems lmk I'm always happy to help
  2. Happy to help Lemme know if you run into any issues I'm coding the new version as we speak
  3. The boxes are a range, so 5-20 (top) and 5-20 (bottom), if you do 5-0 like in the pic it won't work. I've seen this happen before will let devs know to make it clearer or something I guess xD
  4. Done enjoy! Be sure to use breaks :)
  5. Almost coded Not yet but it's coming EDIT: We always wanted this feature but were worried about breaking any market rules and interfering with the cooking scripts, but I think there's no issue there anymore.
  6. Thank you! And yes for fighting within an area, it's best to designate a fight box using the F7 key, you'll see a menu which lets you draw a box around the map to choose either to stand/fight in that area, or to loot items specifically in that area, up to your choice. You can attach/append tiles with the shift key if you want to make complex shapes for the fight box. I've been meaning to make a tutorial on youtube for this, it's in the todo list
  7. Yes cli is supported, the profile name is the parameters, you need to have a profile first before doing cli, if you notice any issues or need help lemme know Rune drags - prayer condition for banking yes good idea, as well as POH regen. We're trying to release a huge update for regen in general, either via poh or ferox, as well as a poh/jewellery option to either use a teleport in the poh or to simply leave the poh and walk to fight area (useful for wyverns). Once this is added it'll be a great update. I'm doing rune drags on my main account and will be doing some clips for my botting series so this will also greatly help. Pick locks yes they are supported, we have 3 webwalking options to choose from. Cannons @ ogres if you notice this happening please please copy over the console logs it would help greatly. I'll head over there on my ranger and try to reproduce + patch for the next release. If you notice anything else lemme know! Also guys been training a lot of ranged/slayer using this bot, almost done with the ranged planner/scheduler. A lot of code had to be changed around for it to be supported.
  8. Could be waiting for someone to repair the struts, have you tried in a higher pop world or repairing struts? If you already tried dw about it, I'll take a look anyway Added progress results to main thread Keep going just don't forget to take breaks, we wanna see some more 99s Bans are avoided mainly via mirror and breaks, the rest is just being careful I just hit 99 on my fisher now going for the next batch of skills xD For camera, good idea. I'll also add a behaviour option to keep camera upward at all times, as well as an option to move camera while walking, and another anti-ban option which I won't mention publicly here but I feel is a really really good idea, totally optional of course. Working on the next release as we speak, thanks guys for the feedback
  9. Hey issue resolved yet? Make sure to set the amount of bars in the setup window, so if you wanna take a full inventory just type 28 or 27 depending on if you have hammer or not If you still run into any issues lemme know I'm always happy to help
  10. Done enjoy! Please remember to use breaks at all times :)
  11. thank you for the kind words! I'll take a look now and prepare a new release ASAP!
  12. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Could be from prepare click mode, or didn't enable? I'll take a look now, heading over to canifis
  13. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Yes I agree, I think it's most important to use breaks, as well as mirror client. I've just hit 99 on a different skill (fishing) thanks to mirror mode now my next one is thieving and agility New Update (v171) - Added an improved obstacle handler for when starting a course - Opens doors if trapped/stuck before starting a course Currently working on some more anti-ban behaviours and refreshes as usual, as well as more customisation options on the setup window, more info coming soon! Update will automatically go live within a couple hours enjoy.
  14. Done enjoy, thanks for the kind words @JustSe7en
  15. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Vyres is being worked on, we just need banking and it'll be ready Here's a quick progress report, going for 75 on one of my recently unbanned mains: Also guys, new update is now live enjoy
  16. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Thanks for the report, I'll add an anti-lure system and perhaps a world hopper on top of that just to make sure it's fully 100% safe! Try one more time after you appeal the ban, it shouldn't take longer than a week for them to unban your account, try and use mirror mode for better results, don't go above 1.5 hours per session for agility on stealth
  17. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Guys just re-posted v170.0 it should automatically go live within a couple hours. No need to update or anything once it's verified/approved by staff it'll just require restarting the script Authed double trial since we're waiting on the prepare-click update it's looking super good in this version xD
  18. I'll add an option for that too personally I always thought that less botted actions (mouse/camera/keyboard) the better for preventing bans, but we will make sure everyone has their play-style accounted for ^^ @spicisany area of the bot in particular, e.g. when mining, when walking/moving, when banking etc? Or just in general more movements? I'll work on that now. EDIT: Sorry for the confusion, just wanted to say that a previous update (137) will be going live shortly. I'm working on v138.0 as we speak, with cli and more behaviour options.
  19. Fixed, just posted update v73 it should automatically go live within a couple hours. Task mode now works, goal level input is now always shown (fletch X.. box) and both setups now have a visible start button since it was pushed downwards after adding the new file menu at the top left. Seems to only happen with task mode, and in default mode we can still enter it with a hidden start button by clicking tab and then enter/space (temp workaround) while we wait
  20. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Done gl Lemme know if you notice any issues please
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