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Everything posted by Czar

  1. POG EDIT: Will check this out, hopefully OSTracker 3_0 has some node js in it.
  2. There's two methods, either un-noting at the bandit store, or using the lunar spellbook's Humidify spell. For un-noting you need noted waterskins, and for humidify you need the runes in inventory and lunar spellbook set. So choose list mode -> sandstone -> choose method. Then in-game you'll be asked to choose the rocks (ignore the list mode thingy, that's just there to tell the bot which method you'll be doing) and then walk to the rocks, click F1 keyboard, then click the rocks with mouse and it should start mining.
  3. Should be back online in a couple hours max, some bots don't seem to be launching. I've authed you guys some temp bots so you don't miss out on any botting in the meantime.
  4. Script is back online thanks to staff, gl guys Please bot responsibly xD
  5. Should be back online in a couple hours (2-3) max, apparently some bots aren't launching but staff are always super cool about it and I've requested a re-compile so it launches again ^^ :D I've temp authed you some bots so you don't miss out on any botting, gl sir :D
  6. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Should be back up within a couple hours max, having some networking issues atm for some reason the bot isn't launching. I'll message staff they are always kind enough to check it out, we just patched the sand crabs one and this one's next. ETA 2-3 hours max. Just temp authed you guys a couple scripts so you don't miss out on any botting feel free to use them.
  7. I'll message staff asap. OSBot's been having some sdn issues some bots aren't launching at all, we just resolved the sand crab one a couple hours ago, will do the same for runecrafter. ETA ~4-5 hours max so sorry about that. Just authed you guys a couple other scripts hopefully you don't miss out on any botting today
  8. Should be in the client browser but it may not show up inside the actual osbot website. Any confirmation guys @fiverman1 @Co650
  9. Czar

    Random events

    Imo mouse offscreen works way better for anti-ban than dismissing randoms. And I ignore them too so far so good no bans
  10. Will take a look at this, hopefully Soul wars ends up getting better rewards in the long run
  11. Thanks for taking a look Token. I'll be reverting 2 last commits and attempting to re-push and see if it makes a difference. EDIT: Update's live enjoy @Flesh Killer Any luck with d axe now? Lemme know if it works better ^^
  12. I will see what I can do about the mouse, atm we just use osbot's default mouse maybe the way that we draw the mouse is making it look silly, I'll take a look. Patrick posted a nice piece of code for a more unique mouse in the scripter dev chat so I'll be experimenting with that one and adding it to the bot, perhaps it'll also help with bans a lot @RawrChad we will be adding a new option in the Task/schedule panel under [Move mouse offscreen] called [New mouse 2]
  13. 6 hours is way too much at sands, I recommend taking at least 2-3 hour breaks and you'll rarely see a ban. Jagex getting weird with bans nowadays
  14. Happens when the window is resized, try putting it back to default size (503x765)
  15. Doing the slow enchanting method for preventing bans more
  16. Will check that out, I remember hearing about that and was super curious but didn't totally understand how it worked back then And yes we'll be taking some features from fighter and adding it directly to the crabs ^^ Added proggy to main thread thanks
  17. Update posted, should automatically go live within a couple hours. Latest version is now v70.0
  18. Authed aio fighter so you guys can use the sand crabs on the fighter until we figure out why it's not launching
  19. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    I've tried making it as random as possible, I'll make some more changes to the camera
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