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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    I'll take a look now - does starting a new profile help or same? In any case I'll post an update shortly
  2. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Will take a look at this now. Using mirror? Runelite? And did you resize the client at any moment intime? sorry for all the questions. Also using proxies? I think it may be the highscores trying to save the xp gained, I'll add an option to turn it off. @adm congratz on pet added to main thread good job man I'm super jelly xD only got the runecrafting pet atm, trying to get others xD
  3. For pickaxes we gotta de-select the option [Bank-all] or [Deposit-all] that was only designed for people who don't hold a hammer and/or a pickaxe in inventory. Lemme know how it goes If it still happens I'll take another look. In the meantime I'm gunna check out the code As for trials done enjoy
  4. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Done enjoy Ardy knight thieving seems to be decent and safe xp/hr atm
  5. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Welcome back Yes the bot is still being maintained, working on some more anti-ban refreshes as we speak
  6. Highly recommend US/UK/West europe proxies, atm it's happening to me too especially when on vacation/abroad
  7. Which potion sir? I'll take a look. It works for regular potions atm, any chance you're making staminas/super combats? Also did you turn off bank placeholders in mirror mode? I'll do some more testing and add an update Restocking will be phased in, so far coded potions, then the other options like herb cleaning, grinding etc. will follow. We still haven't got restocking supported yet - but in development version it's being tested and worked on as we speak so good news coming
  8. gui error fixes woo Also no more resizing windows and complaining in #help
  9. Hmm did you turn off the option [No food mode]? It's automatically turned on since crabs don't really hit often and users kept complaining that the bot is withdrawing food so I just set it to default. Otherwise if you had that option off and it still didn't bank, which loc? It should be an easy fix in terms of setup, we just gotta set the right settings for your strategy. If on sand crab isle don't forget to have some coins for the boat ride. And arrows it should only loot them if they start stacking up to like 4-5 arrows, if they're not looting then confirm so I can take a look. I'll hop on and run some similar tests in the meantime
  10. New Update (v59.0) - Added option [Walk to random tile] for helping with preventing bans - Bot will now generate a random tile each time you enter the boat (if option is selected) Update will automatically go live within a couple hours, more updates to come! Shoutout to @420substance for the feature suggestion! Trials added enjoy Please don't forget to use breaks
  11. Yes that will be finalised today for the support you are amazing. Lmk if you got more ideas for future updates, antiban too so we can enjoy safer botting XD
  12. EDIT: Yes I've been getting a lot of these lately, due to IP issues I'll try find a good workaround for these. Usually automatically logs me out and says go to the support centre to unlock accounts. Having a consistent IP as mentioned above ^ works best. There is no need to link emails, I don't think anybody does that these days, and selling accounts without an email is much easier ^^
  13. Done enjoy please bot responsibly!
  14. Thanks! Sorry about the inconvenience to both of you. Script should be back to normal within a couple hours staff are always on top of things EDIT: For CLI: you need to fill out the setup window to whatever you'd like to fletch with, and then go to top left of setup window -> export to cli -> copy/paste that into your cmd and run!
  15. It may not be mapped out in the web, or the target tile is unwalkable (position may be under an object or something), I'll ask around in the scripter dev chat to see if it's supported.
  16. Done gl on trials guys For burning it's top priority for this script atm, I'll try get it done before the weekend.
  17. Swapping scripts is technically impossible, but I will get back to you on this and explore some options. Gave you a temp auth for fisher in the meantime
  18. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Thank you And yes done, gave you a trial enjoy! Please bot responsibly!
  19. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Script will be back online shortly, just requested a recompile
  20. Happened to me once should be an easy fix restarting it usually works out ^^ If you see it happen again lemme know I'll see what I can do
  21. Just requested a re-compile it should improve things. Gave you a temp auth for another bot in the meantime, enjoy
  22. There's a huge update pending, the bot was almost fully re-written, will give you a 48 hour trial as soon as it goes live today
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