Any errors in console log? Please copy/paste here I will help Also does it work better if you start the script at cows, add npc via nearby (not by typing name) and then activating banking, select [bank when loot full], add [cowhide] to loot item tab and then start. If you want to fight a specific area of cows it's useful to hit F7 to draw a fight box (completely optional) please let me know how this works, I will link a good cows profile for you to use if you'd like?
Breaks are way too low, also try mirror mode since you're VIP, break at least 2 hours, try bot in a non-popular area (avoid typical botting areas where there are a lot of bots) avoid botting on multiple accounts per IP and you should see really good progress. If you can find some AFK areas to train combat at then I'd say you have a very very low chance of ban. Slayer is good too, but this bot doesn't handle slayer masters, only the fighting part