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Everything posted by Mustikurupt

  1. LMAO, what an idiot, but he doesn't surprise me. I've seen someone named ''Diarrheaman'' and one guy in my cc has his rs name as ''Jar of Farts'', i will never understand the appeal behind these names
  2. I mainly autoclicked on ''Rapid Heal'' and kept my HP at 1 hp, so i rarely used many absorption potions.
  3. Honestly, don't bot NMZ, if you are looking to do it regularly, i would recommend autoclicking. I did it on my 1800+ total main, autoclicked for 8 hours a day, never got banned. It was risky, and you can still get banned but it's less risky than botting IMO.
  4. It makes sense, but not the wisest thing in the world. You must be going through some huge shit to get those kidn of thoughts
  5. lol it's not the first time this has happened, but it's still funny
  6. gz, go get that firemaking cape next, make some profit
  7. Yes really, for several months until i started becoming inactive, after that i didn't bother getting it back because i don't post as much anymore
  8. I used to have Veteran rank. Good times
  9. Well with all that, it seems like you have pretty big night planned huh?
  10. If you are serious and you are young, then i am concerned. Go talk with your doctor and talk about your problem. This sounds like you are suffering from low testosterone, get some bloodwork done and you will know your levels. If it's too low, you will get testosterone prescribed. Also i would advise you not to drink for a while, atleast until you know what your problem is.
  11. Boaty is overrated, don't see the appeal in his videos, no direction, just random talking
  12. I cannot believe that i am actually thinking about blanking your blank
  13. Personally I think it looks great
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