My initial goal was to get full bandos, which took me about a week and a half. Then i thought ''why not just do it for a month'' so i did. I did miss some days due to being either busy or sick, but my last week started off well, 5 rares in two days, 2 of which i got within 3 kills. The current prices of Magic Fang and Serpentine Visage have gone up massively since i last played, they were around 200 k before the huge price boost. Magic fang is even more expensive than the Uncut Onyx lol.
This is the gear i used
My inventory
And finally, the total loot
I could have gotten a bit more but due to time constraints, i was unable to. I was also quite lazy with the KC, but if you got better gear and have time to get 30 kc an hour, great. I am still satisfied with what i got. I hope this serves as motivation or something to the Zulrah beginners, if you put the effort in, it's very rewarding.