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Everything posted by Mustikurupt

  1. Don't do it, if you can't alch like i did, try doing ''String Jewellery'' from the Lunar spell book, it's afk and it's 140 k an hour along with some decent crafting xp on the side.
  2. Nope, others have done less worse things and are still banned. It would become favoritism, so he should stay banned
  3. You took the risk when you botted. Besides, if you have 85 mining as a lvl 3 skiller, why would you bot it? Not a good move, gg your account
  4. I think you're gonna enjoy this, i know i did. https://www.facebook.com/Dailytrumpmemes/videos/vb.754194171347194/852722504827693/?type=2&theater This was the original entrance
  5. Considering the founder based his religion on a fictional story he made in his book about E-meters and the earth exploding 150,000 years ago with C4's and people take this shit seriously, i am not all that surprised
  6. I'm not really a PC gamer, but it looks very impressive, well done
  7. I'm surprised no one made a thread on this, basically the 6 months that he said Hillary was corrupt, recieved money, etc. Today he did a 180 and said ''We need Hillary Clinton as President of the United States'' What the fuck? Here's a video, most of the Bernie supporters in the US were quite upset and called him a sellout, etc. Thought please?
  8. Mustikurupt


    Zulrah is recommended
  9. Mustikurupt


    Which moment was more emotional for you? When Greece won EURO 2004 or Portugal winning EURO 2016
  10. I could have played with more intensity but i get waaay too afk so couldn't bother, so i settled for 50 kills per day, in total maybe 1400 kills lol if i'm on the computer for 6 hours, do i play Zulrah for 6 hours? lol give me a break, i'm just glad it's over
  11. My initial goal was to get full bandos, which took me about a week and a half. Then i thought ''why not just do it for a month'' so i did. I did miss some days due to being either busy or sick, but my last week started off well, 5 rares in two days, 2 of which i got within 3 kills. The current prices of Magic Fang and Serpentine Visage have gone up massively since i last played, they were around 200 k before the huge price boost. Magic fang is even more expensive than the Uncut Onyx lol. This is the gear i used https://gyazo.com/71e7c777d917c9f255feaeab1b8d8671 My inventory https://gyazo.com/0cbbfaa92fb313fa5461f4c4a5535c53 And finally, the total loot https://gyazo.com/e0af7cc5c1c31a2a235a67dbc569b65b I could have gotten a bit more but due to time constraints, i was unable to. I was also quite lazy with the KC, but if you got better gear and have time to get 30 kc an hour, great. I am still satisfied with what i got. I hope this serves as motivation or something to the Zulrah beginners, if you put the effort in, it's very rewarding.
  12. Zulrah, Wyverns if you can't kill the snake, but it has much better profit per hour
  13. If it's your main don't use Autoclicking or botting, you're asking for trouble. I tried High Alching, i hated it. I finally tried String Jewellery, it worked great for me, can be a bit expensive but afk and xp is about 140 k per hour
  14. LOL this was actually funny, i didn't expect so many familiar faces
  15. Does it really count as a scam if i actually bought it and used it for a few days? He did sell the account, if he wanted to sell it permanently he would have said so
  16. If it's going to get people to get off their ass and go do something, then great
  17. No way, if you care about it, don't bot on it
  18. Drink it in man, there's more to come
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