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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Heaven

  1. Wow, looks amazing! I really liked what you did with the assasins creed on the BF background xD
  2. Heaven

    BETA v1.7.64

    Awesome, Can't wait for OSBot 2!
  3. Disagree... first of all 2 chats is pointless, nobody would use it. Second of all the CB is a great way for new people to sell their stuff. I don't go browsing the forum looking for accounts to buy :P I just wait for a nice deal to come along in the Chat. Plus the forum is crammed with people that have a ton of positive feedback, leaving no room for somebody with no feedback. I would recommend just reporting people who spam more than every 10-15 minutes.
  4. Heaven

    rate or hate

    Not bad, what program you use?
  5. Heaven


    I am going to make you a new ava jolter.
  6. Heaven

    Chatbox Larger

    I am using bulletin theme, but I support.
  7. -5 points from Maldesto (Hufflepuff) [Cinnamon] Asking me to "Suck his dick"
  8. Teacher Application: Do you swear to treat each house with fairness and have no bias reviews?: I do Do you swear to not abuse your powers?: I do Do you swear to keep a healthy relationship with ALL students?: I solemnly swear to keep a healthy relationship with all the students Do you swear to maintain a healthy relationship with the other members of staff?: I do What is your magic level? (07/EoC): 70/79 Other:
  9. It is overpriced, go to alienware website you can get it cheaper there, and alienware sucks anyways! Build your own computer... Also people pay for the cosmetic appeal...
  10. Awesome guide, I will donate tomorrow ;)
  11. The quick brown fox jumped over the log <--- I just typed that with my eyes closed! I'm so proud of myself! Lol I am a shitty typer.
  12. I can type on it, I just feel it would be unsettling...too different :P I type actually really slowly compared to you guys, only around 80-100 wpm.
  13. I think it would take me forever to learn how to type efficiently on this keyboard
  14. I also like XMAutobuyer It saved me a ton of time buying feathers and has nice world hopping system!
  15. Yeah I hate when it just logs out and I lose that XP... Pisses me off so much!! -_-
  16. Mine is probably Swizzbeats fisher!
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