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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. The top 10 are boosted anyways or more. What is wrong with IPB 4?
  2. When we migrate to IPB 4, this will most likely come in, but we are not sure when the exact date of either of those two things are happening. Also, yes it will be optional.
  3. When we migrate to IPB 4, you will be logging in with your display name, and you don't have a different log in name and display name. I want to warn everyone, we will not be changing peoples names anymore for them from inactive users. So if you have a username you want that is inactive or banned, you need to pm me ASAP with those details. Remember vip + are the only ones that can get inactive user names. If your login name is Maldesto1 for example when we had the bug for the client, but your display name is Maldesto, when we migrate to IPB4, you will no longer login with Maldesto1, but just Maldesto.
  4. Not really, but I moved back home and I'll be on more now. Added, apparently alek thinks when I have real life problems he runs the forums.
  5. I honestly thought if it was a decision cruz would easily win. He was just late on everything and Cody looked pretty fast. I'm not sure if that was because cody wasn't being aggressive, and I'm assuming thats all cruz planned for. I'm assuming the rematch will be a pretty good one if they give it to him or if tj gets the fight. I love to watch all 3 of them fight, so either way I'm satisfied. Ronda was ronda, can't box, can't kick, can't take a punch. She has never been hit before like that and when she was she got killed by holly and holly can't punch like Amanda. We basically knew ronda had one chance and that was to take her down without getting hit before or it was all over. Not surprised it didn't last one minute, but I could have seen it going either way. Ronda throwing her and armbarring in 1 minute or getting ko'd like she did.
  6. Thanks everyone, see you soon.
  7. Sorry for the inactivity this month guys, I am going through some real life struggles with my wife and I don't really want to air it all out yet, as I don't know what is going to happen, but I figured you guys deserve some sort of explanation for my inactivity. I am hoping to get it all resolved within a few more weeks. I am sorry again for not responding or handling situations as I normally would. Thanks, @Maldesto
  8. Maldesto

    new cbas

    Working on it, If you are interested Pm Solution/Dex
  9. Welcome, please stop spamming!
  10. How can I justify giving you $100.00 donor if you donated any lower than $100.00?
  11. Dear Community, I've lowered the price on Sponsor + lifetime sponsor until the end of December, once we roll the new year in the prices will return to normal!! Sponsor for 6 months = $45.99 http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/5-sponsor/ Lifetime Sponsor = $100.00 http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/291-lifetime-sponsor/ Thanks, OSBot Staff
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