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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. temp until rainbow name is fixed.
  2. Will end this late tonight or tomorrow morning! Its almost 3pm!
  3. http://osbot.org/forum/store/ http://osbot.org/forum/store/category/8-premium-scripts/ Need someone to make all of these, so they look pretty similar, I don't want 1 artist to make 1 and the flow not work. I will give 1 month of VIP if wanted.
  4. Looking into it sweet heart
  5. Stand by, still in a new system and trying to get everything resolved.
  6. We are aware of both of these. I will be adding secondary group icons tomorrow, and fixing the donor ranks.
  7. Maldesto


    What was added or removed
  8. Maldesto


    Does he not know trump is his dad?
  9. He's super saiyan Only reason I promoted no other reasons at all.
  10. u need a new avatar

    1. Lucki
    2. Lucki


      will change when this thing starts working keep getting errorcannot find

      url image url not specified or something

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