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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. Negative feedback should stay if you had bad experience, it doesn't necessarily mean they scammed or are a bad person, just means their product wasn't what they said or so on.
  2. I never have had any problems with him inside the chat, It is most likely "people" don't like him so find what he says annoying, if you provide solid proof in a dispute or something he will be banned from chat. You can't just get people kicked because you don't like what he says, actually the chat is a place for fun and relaxing, and helping newbs.
  3. Surely, however if we have moderators for this topic, false threads and old methods that don't work would be deleted pretty quickly. I've also been monetizing for a good 2 years or so, so I'm sure I'll know if a method works/not. We don't need the section in all honesty, it will just cause a lot of problems as said above. It just seems like to much drama, just because you've been doing it 2 years, doesn't mean your word makes it working or not, it would need to be tested by a staff member, which means any guide that comes has to be tested, so even if its ridiculous and a waste of time, every member has the right to sell any guide if its allowed. It would just cause staff to lose an hour or two a day. Also we have 4 moderators, two of them are super mods handling scam reports and ip checks etc. It is hard for them to squeeze in guide verifying. Then it becomes a market thing, their not allowed in the market, to middleman, or verify stuff. Therefore it wouldn't work anyways.
  4. This is the reason we have shout box assistants to handle this type of thing. If he is not talking about what you want, that is no reason to kick him. Just because you don't like him doesn't mean someone else doesn't. Maybe someone doesn't like you and how you talk on there, you think you should be kicked, no. You don't get to vote to kick someone out of chat, or it will be out of hand. Pm a shout box asst, or a mod or admin in the chat and tell them to talk to him, or kick him if hes getting out of control. They will make that judgement call. Putting someones name in a thread is not the way to go about something. This is called a hate thread, which causes nothing but drama, as you know.
  5. I think this would cause a lot of problems, such as guides not working, as we just seen recently with an unbanning guide. I think this will cause nothing, but problems. Especially because the guides will need to be tested anytime someone claims not working, which will include a lot of moderators times going to waste.
  6. type it in and make it convincing use a wrong pass though so he thinks he got u.
  7. Wow I heard of this if only you weren't drunk haha
  8. No need you can't edit them anyways. Kati always did makes no sense.
  9. I like that name :)

    1. Piggy Wiggy

      Piggy Wiggy

      Thank you yours sound like a name of someone who destroys city's or something :P

    2. Piggy Wiggy

      Piggy Wiggy

      Thank you yours sound like a name of someone who destroys city's or something :P

    3. Genii
  10. Yes you can, there is no problem with that, but you just don't want someone to register to give feedback, because master chief and smart go around deleting feedback if someone has 0-10 posts. Which will change, I've talked to raflesia, and that shouldn't be happening.
  11. She is more mature than raflesia, but he is doing an excellent job, without all the powers she had. Of course he is a super mod with a red name but can edit a few more things. Judging him on what he is doing isn't comparable to kati as she had way more permissions, i think some of his decisions will change down the road, if you ask him the same questions in a few months, I bet most of his answers change. He can't just come in as an "admin but not really an admin" and try to change a lot of stuff. As far as kati goes, she is the best admin i've ever seen, except for her thinkin she is an unstoppable person, which she got proven wrong many of times, before she thought she had to go ddosin and talkin crap to everyone she was the best. If you think she deserves another chance your a liar, she does not, but I would take her.
  12. Ex staff vet, already is vip can use all vip perks and section, can regular vet not do this?
  13. Woooo slept in all day because of talking to you last night shaha

  14. Can i borrow 242m + all your other stuff forever?
  15. Double bacon cheese burger ftw.
  16. It isn't your fault, it isn't your place to, but it is very helpful to the community, and would help a lot people from getting scammed, but in the future you know now. If something like this happens again, report it, to be safe and help others from getting scammed. Don't feel bad.
  17. mod everyone with over 30 posts plz.
  18. In all honesty, I've never heard of this guy.
  19. Sex he has been awesome from day one
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