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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. racist I don't like fireworks, I am not racist.
  2. ur posted got deleted lol
  3. I vote none of the above. Popularity doesn't need to have effect on moderators, but it seems to always in the end, and that is what holds the community back a lot!
  4. You forgot me, but then again.
  5. where r u u haven't been on in so long!

    1. Raflesia


      Had some occasions to take care of.

  6. He did. He made him trade the gp back, took the money from his wallet, was walking back to his car, got in, locked the other doors so the other guy couldn't get him, and left him. Lollllllllllllllll wow I misread haha thats funny shit.
  7. I would have done the same thing, but i would have took his money out of his pocket and the gp.
  8. Pins have always been questionable when adding them in, I hate it, but you can recover anything in runescape, I can sell you an account and in 3 years recover it if I want.
  9. Support sometimes people have Input that may be crucial under a false ban.
  10. Where is my ex staff pip

    1. Raflesia


      It has to be uploaded.

    2. Jordan


      Yeah, where is it.

  11. i need ex staff pip wtf
  12. Counter-strike (pre source) for you then? I don't pc game :P the only pc games i've played have been diablo and runescape.
  13. I've never played any, I'm an fps, and rsc player. I tried playing 07, but i love pking and 07 pking sucks. I've watched numerous hours of wow and just doesn't look to fun for me.
  14. Maldesto

    Live Support.

    Exctly what you said, sole reason, its still a reason, so i don't think a live chat is necessary. It is just another addition that isn't really needed.
  15. Maldesto

    Live Support.

    I disagree, this is basically another useless thing. When someone comes in to chat, a chat box assistant or someone that helps, should simply say "Pm me hero9291 i will help you" So they aren't taking chat box room. It will be easier to do that than try to get raflesia the powers to add a live chat. When any chat box, or mod, or anyone that knows anything sees someone asking for help, they should help them click their name and start private message. It is simple and a live chat would be pointless. We need to grow as a community, not push them away to alive chat, we need to embrace their question and help them as a community, not as a single guy on live chat. Number 4 on the rules is simple, you can ask for the support, if you can't get it here, there is a support section on the forums, so we need a section on the forums, chat, and then a live chat for support? To maintain a positive chat, we must enforce several rules (including the ones established globally on the forums) 1. No spamming 2. No flaming/discriminating towards religion, sex, sexual preference, race or ethnicity. 3. No language that can be generally interpreted as offensive. 4. Support is allowed, however begging or spamming for support gets annoying, and will not be tolerated. 5. Constantly advertising threads/urls is not allowed. 6. Posting fake URLs is not tolerated. 7. Relax!
  16. Maldesto


    having more vouch does not make you more trusted. It means you have been involved in more trades and trusted with more total not that your more trusted. I still consider myself trusted but I have 7 vouches. I just don't play rs
  17. Maldesto

    2 new av's

    I don't like the first one, but the second one looks nice
  18. What app you need? or just want it for a lot of apps? why not get it jail broken?
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