feel free to leave a feedback, I am going to leave him in TWC until I can figure out a solution. As I agree 100% this is scamming. Just because you quoted a price, doesn't mean that is the agreed price.
@trustmybet, you agree to take 10-15% commission from the order, not from the quoted price. Instead of taking 900k for the quoted 9M, you took 1.9M because you went behind your workers back and quoted him 10M instead of the 9M your worker told you. If I ask for 90M for an account
If I tell you I'll give you 10% commission to sell my house, I will sell it for 100,000 dollars, and you go sell it for 150,000 dollars and keep 10% + the 50,000 you up charged. That is stealing, your commission wasn't based on the "wanted" price, it was based on the total price.