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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. If it isn't in your client, the script has been removed. Do not look at "my collection" on the scripts page, look in YOUR CLIENT.
  2. I have came to a decision.. You will not pay from quoted price again, you will pay from final price, if the worker quotes 10M and you sell the service for 15M, you will pay the worker from the 15M not the 10M they quoted. Your t.o.s doesn't state 10% from quoted price, it says 10%, which implies 10% of the order. I have talked to a sythe global mod which confirmed they think you are scamming, so I'm assuming if this happens again you will be ip banned from there also. Negative feedback will stay, you have been doing this for a long time and yes you say its never over 5M+, but you do realize if you've done 100 orders(which you've done probably 300+) and charged an extra 1-3M each time or even half the time, you are basically scamming the worker out of 100's of Mills. Next time you will be ip banned if you get caught doing this again.
  3. So your trusted a twc. Glad the rank was impemented.........
  4. feel free to leave a feedback, I am going to leave him in TWC until I can figure out a solution. As I agree 100% this is scamming. Just because you quoted a price, doesn't mean that is the agreed price. @trustmybet, you agree to take 10-15% commission from the order, not from the quoted price. Instead of taking 900k for the quoted 9M, you took 1.9M because you went behind your workers back and quoted him 10M instead of the 9M your worker told you. If I ask for 90M for an account If I tell you I'll give you 10% commission to sell my house, I will sell it for 100,000 dollars, and you go sell it for 150,000 dollars and keep 10% + the 50,000 you up charged. That is stealing, your commission wasn't based on the "wanted" price, it was based on the total price.
  5. And cheap is implying that your prices are less than the gp is worth. Which can not be proven. Who are you to tell everyone it is cheap, when there is no actual facts to prove what is cheap and what is expensive. The market is all around the same a few cents here and there can't define something as cheap. Not worth it, if you buy 10M at 1.2 and they say its the cheapest, yet another person has 1.1, take them to court over the few dollars if it is that big of deal to you.
  6. Because the effort to change every title is to much. People can find out for themselves if it's the cheapest. We don't want to limit their titles still the same, what you consider cheap others may not.
  7. 20 million lol after taxes 800m and I have family and friends lol
  8. Everyone donate me powerball money :P If I win I will give away 20Million dollars on OSBot. 10M to Staff/Developers 10M to random users! If any of you win, donate me 1Million dollars plz I am daddy
  9. So if your worker quotes 10m for a service you get 1m, yet you are going behind their back and taking an extra 1-2m maybe more from their pocket. So you in reality are taking 20-30% by doing this. Your workers terms are 10% of deal not 10% of quoted price.
  10. If you told the workers they were getting 10% of the deal, yes you are scamming them each time you overcharge behind their back. Now if you told them you will give them % of their quote, then you are alright.
  11. Haha no I wasn't laughing, I hate the seahawks. Russell wilson is the most overrated player in the league. I almost cried when he shanked the field goal.
  12. I am a Packers fan, so I'm sure it will be seahawks/Patriots again. If it is I will not be watching. I'm rooting for broncos in afc, Packers nfc.
  13. Birds eat bugs watch out Frostbug
  14. How much that run you?
  15. You have the script and 4.50 credit now,
  16. uhh what? No way you must have been with a loose girl
  17. Blowjobs aren't as good as sex lets be honest, but the rarity of them is what makes you crave them more. I love getting a blowjob for about 5-10 minutes before having sex. Just because it is rare, but nothing is as good as the V
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