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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. Make sure you are logged in or not using default account Or bank pin
  2. Clearly you downloaded a youtube bot or decided to vote on a poll via some random email and got phished. Don't insult us with these allegations unless you downloaded a local script which you need to send me via pm.
  3. There isn't a way to modify the chatbox legally.
  4. no it doesn't his inbox was full.
  5. Removed feedback as the logs are clear. If he has other logs that counter this he can post, but until then I removed it.
  6. for 5 subsections yes I think it needs to be more active. This thread wasn't even posted in the right section I had to move it that is how little of effort put in.
  7. Our market isn't active enough for this.
  8. Do you like actual names? Suzie or something Like Mad Max, Blueberry, BlueWaffle?
  9. He's collecting feathers in lumbridge
  10. Congratulations broncos!!!
  11. did you check the box enable text updates
  12. Why stand it squishes your cheeks together and gets all nasty
  13. Why captain America sucks.
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