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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. if she still has to wear glasses how was it worth it lol
  2. I think it's just a bug that it randomly goes away.
  3. Works fine on mine and other normal members. I logged into your account and I can confirm it isn't working, but logged right back into mine and works fine. In the mean time you will have to open notifications in a new tab via right click until it is fixed.
  4. Maldesto

    Can't buy VIP

    Should be fine now, if not pm me.
  5. http://osbot.org/forum/user/81499-khaleesi/ Welcome to the team!
  6. You were the most active, uhh oh wait nvm.
  7. Obviously, I know where it comes from lol.
  8. Why does everyone use this for their fish icon?
  9. Cancel it on paypal not on osbot, nexus sucks and messes it up.
  10. Inbox is full, clear it and will be good.
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