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Everything posted by Frez

  1. What did i remove the fuck? I can provide all chat logs, in the end it turned out that i was the one that was gone for a month, while i was waiting for a repply. Anyhow we agreed on partial refund, if that seems fair... i just hope everything gets sorted quick. I could gather logs from chat and or discord....
  2. Mine was stuck for a while, like 6 hours haha
  3. Login screen: Quests: Skills: Untradeables: Price: 25m each TOS
  4. Ive just recieved 1 day ban aswell, from apa agility probs haha it got stuck in seers bank upstairs
  5. The way to go is to automate every process, thats my opinion
  6. Yeah i checked it out, but you could add it to main page for future reference
  7. Could you guys writer reqs please?
  8. Why are you bothering with linux anyway?
  9. Disputed member: Spider Thread Link: Explanation: Basicly i bought a script from spider almost 3 months ago, he almost completed it, it was work in progress but now for 2 months i think spides is avoiding me. Evidence:
  10. Frez

    APA Rooftop Agility

    almost 12hr proggy script works like a charm
  11. I vouch for Thiccboi made me epic script in few hrs? Crazy service
  12. Frez

    Stealth Quester

    The gui from 2016 was much better gotta say, you could press what build you wanted and it would do it
  13. Wasnt banend at time i think, im pretty sure i checked. Just putting it out there
  14. Okay so this guy scammed me for 13m, didn't take pic since it was 13m but just putting this out here. Maybe disc chat: https://imgur.com/a/5t9reMX link to profile https://osbot.org/forum/profile/331470-caviesgold/
  15. use break handler set it for that many minutes that you want to wait? that could work id say If not, look into private scripts?
  16. Hey, I'm wondering if is it possible to get a refund, i bought script yesterday, test ran on one account that was never botted before and it got me banned really quick
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